Mafumafu is my ....

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Third POV:

"Are you Mafumafu?" Y/N said.

Mafumafu's POV:

"Yes, I'm Mafumafu!" I said. "Really that's so cool! You are one my favorite Utaite." 

Your POV:

"Wow, this seems like something in a Wattpad story." I said aloud accidently.

"You know what Wattpad is Y/N?!" Mafu said shocked.

Third POV:

"Yeah, but I'm not one of those fans..." Y/N said.

"One of 'those' fans?" Mafu said confused.

"Don't think too much about it." Y/N said.

Time skip:

Your POV:

Wow I can't believe I met Mafumafu. I thought as I was taking out a paper and pencil to draw something random.  

As I was drawing I realized... MAFUMAFU IS MY MUSIC TEACHER. 

"That means Mafu wont be posting any songs up." I whispered.

"Who won't be posting songs up?" Mafu said.

Crap! he heard me!

"No one Mr. A." I lied.  

Time skip:

Third POV:

As kids and staff were leaving to go home, a red car had parked and two men flew straight out while the other men came out normally.

"We are never letting Urata drive again." Shima said.

"What? Oh come on, Shima I was not that bad!" Urata said tilting his head a little bit up to see Shima.

"I almost vomited on the way here!" Sakata said shivering at the memory. 

"That's only because you ate 3 hotdogs." Senra said.

As the four were talking a staff member came up to them.

"Excuse me, this is school grounds you will need to park somewhere else." They said.

"Oh, we are waiting for a friend. He works here." Shima said

"Okay."  as they said that the staff member began to leave.

As the USSS members were talking, they didn't even notice Mafu come out the building and headed to the train station next to the school.

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