What happened part 12

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Mafu's POV:

"YOU CHEATED!" I heard Alice or Alex yell as I ran away from her.

'This was a bad idea.'

As I was running I heard a sound coming from my phone.

'Is someone calling me now!'

When I turned a round Alice or Alice was still chasing me.

'I'm so dead.'

"Why did I have to look on that laptop." I had said out loud.


I opened the door then shut it as I left the room. As I was going to the principle's office I started getting nervous.

'Should I write something just in case something happened to me.'

Then I turned around and went back. When I got back to the classroom I tried to open the door but it was locked, but Sakata turned around and unlocked it.

"Mafu what are you doing here." Sakata said.

"I need paper." I said.

"Okay?" Sakata said.

"And a pen." I said.

Then Sakata went to get all of that.

'Where's Y/N and Shima?'

When Sakata came back he had brought it.

"So why do you need this Mafu?" Sakata asked.

"I need to write something on it." I said.

"Okay." Sakata said.

Then I started writing.


My name is Mafuyu Aikawa. If something where to happen to happen to me I want Y/N L/N to be watched over by Soraru.


Then I finished.

"When Y/N wakes up give this to her and tell her to keep it." I said.

"Okay." Sakata said.

Then I left the room to go to the principal's office.

Time skip:

When I got close to the office I heard something go off in the loudspeaker.

"Hello student's and adult's my name is Alice and I'm here to say three things. The first thing is I am here to kill Y/N L/N, so if you want to live is suggest you tell me where she is. The second thing I had to say was there is a safe room you you guys. And the third is..." Alice said but something went off.

"What I was trying to say was we had hit the first hour mark so I will let one of my helpers out of their cage and by the way if you are hearing this Mafu make your phone password hard because I unlocked it on my first try." Alice said.

"Well goodbye." Alice said.

Then I went into the room next to the principal's office, the teacher's lounge.

Soon as I got in there I heard Alice say something.

"Should I kill Mafu now that Y/N had gotten him out of that room." Alice said.

"He doesn't bring anything useful and Alex was only pretending to act like that." Someone said.

'Who else is in that room.'

"Good point Amy, and besides I need Jake not Mafu." Alice said.

"Go back a few seconds on the camera." The person named Amy said.

"Some blue haired jackass really broke a window. Shit! Y/N could have left." Alice said.

"Come on you need to patch it up." Amy said.

"Fine." Alice said.

Then a door opened.

'Did she go?'

Then I went out of the teachers lounge to go into the principle's office.

'Time to look for that key.'

Time skip:

Third POV:

As Mafu was looking for the key he didn't know that the real danger is awake and how he is screwed from going in that room. When Mafu was looking for the key he had found his phone and an laptop, but he shouldn't have never looked on the laptop.

Mafu's POV:

As I was looking for the key I found my phone and a laptop.

'I wonder what is on this?'

When I had opened the laptop I had saw a picture fell to the ground. The picture had a younger version of Y/N, a boy with black hair and blue eyes, and a younger version of Alice or Alex but the girls eyes where different. The girl's left eye was red like Alex's but her right eye was blue like Alice's.

'Is there a third girl?'

Then I took the picture.

'When I see Y/N I should ask her about the boy in the picture.' 

Luckily for me there wasn't a password on the laptop but the first thing I saw was Alice or Alex looking outside of the medical room at a boy.

'Isn't that the boy from that picture?'

When I looked at Alice or Alex she had five fingers and and said something but then left. As I got off of looking at camera I saw felt something touch my foot. When I looked down I saw the key I was looking for.

'Yes! Now I can leave this horrible room and go back to the others.'

When I was about to close the laptop I saw Alice or Alex walking back this way.


Then I decided to make a run for it.

"Hey! Get back here!"


As I was running from Alice or Alex I made a quick left and open a classroom door and slammed it shut but I didn't go in there. Then I heard a door open.

"I WONT LOSE YOU THAT EASILY!" Alice or Alex screamed.

I ran into another room but I didn't slam the door open. Soon as I closed the door I saw the blonde haired girl run into the room I used as a distraction. As I opened the door to the room I was in I ran to the stair case that was next to the room I was in.

'Finally that is over.'

As I was going up the stairs I stopped moving.

'Maybe the kid knows what is going on.'

Then I started going down to go find that kid and bring him to safety.

Time skip:

When I got to the medical room I didn't see the boy there.

'He must have left.'

Then I looked at the door.

"Safe room for prey." I had read out loud.

'I should get the laptop.' 

Then I ran to the principle's office and got the laptop.

Time skip:

After I got the laptop I went back to where the others are.

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