What happened part 17

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Amy's POV:


As I ran into the gym I saw a door open, and the person that came out was Mafu.

'I should use him as bait for Y/N.'

When Mafu saw my he tried to turn around but there was my slaves.

"Don't kill him." I say.

My servants look at me and bow as I run to Mafu and use the back of my knife to hit him hard enough to pass out.

"Kill each other." I say.

"W-what." One lady said.

"Do you want your children dead. Do it or I'll kill them." I said.

'Even if they rebelled on me their kids would starve to death.'

The parents started to kill each other until they were dead.

'Well that was fast.'

I walked into the storage room (which is in the gym) and took out two jump ropes. I went back to Mafu and I tied one of his arm to the basketball pole while I used the other to tie his legs.

'I guess I should inform his friends about this.'

I took Mafu's phone from his pocket and unlocked his phone. Once I did I called his friends.

Flashback end:

After I told his friends where to come I saw Jack.

"Well this is a nice surprise." I say.

I put my knife up to Mafu's neck.

"If you take a step closer I will kill him." I say.

"I don't know him." Jack says.

"Yeah YOU don't but Y/N and Jake do and if he dies Y/N will be said and so will Jake, and you hate it when he's sad." I said.

"Where's Jake?" Jack asked.

"I'm not sure but he will be here soon." I said.

"Then I guess I'll be waiting here for him to show." Jack said.

Time skip:

After some time the others showed up.

"Hello everyone." I said as I made the knife closer to Mafu's neck.

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