Living with him/ Soraru and the others are coming

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Your POV:

Mafu wants to adopt me... Those words kept repeating in my head.

"Why would you want a good for nothing?" Mother said.

"One, she's not a good for nothing, two she deserves to have some type of happiness." Mafu said.

"Fine, have her. We don't care anyway." Matt said.

"Come on, lets go, we don't own that girl any more." Matt said leaving.

And Mo-that lady left.

"Sorry. I didn't even ask you if you wanted to become my little sister." Mafu said.

Looking at him closely, he has bandages on his head and his hair is sticking up.

"It's fine, but wouldn't you be my Father." I said.

"Yeah, but I want a little sister. So your going to be my sister, also being a Father makes me sound old." Mafu had said.

Time skip: 

After we got out the hospital, Urata asked us if we wanted to take the bus or walk and we both chose the bus.

As we waited for the bus, Sakata suddenly said, "Soraru's coming and he's not happy."

 The look Mafu had made me worried. Was Soraru not a good person?

 As I sat with my thoughts,  Mafu told me the bus was here and I quickly rushed inside it.

We all decided to sit all the way in the back.

Time skip:

As we got into the building, we saw that they were repairing the elevator that broke, so we had to wait for the other one.

"Hey Mafu you still haven't answered my question." I said.

"What was your question again?" Mafu said.

"What Apartment did you live in?" I said.

"The 100th why?" 

"That's the room rumored to have one of the biggest rooms inside. Plus it gets two floors to itself and is guarded there so no one can get in." I said.

"All of that is true." And with that, Mafu went to the elevator to click the 20th floor.

Third POV:

As Y/N, Mafu, Urata, Sakata, Senra, and Shima were talking the elevator doors opened.

"I guess we are here." Mafu said.

As they all walked out they were stopped by a guard, but when the guy saw Mafu, he let them pass but Mafu told the others to go ahead and not to wait for them.

"If you see them again, please let them pass also let them get the keys to the building." Mafu said.

"Yes sir." The guard said.

Then Mafu went to catch up with the others. When he caught up he saw them waiting at the door.

"You should have gave us your key to the door." Senra said.

"Sorry guys." Mafu said.

As Mafu went to unlock the door Y/N had said "Don't I need to get my stuff from them." 

"Yeah, we do. Unless you want to buy some new stuff."

"Let's get them." Y/N said.

"Okay." Mafu said.

"Me and Senra can get them." Shima said.

"Okay, it's on the 10th floor, but when you get there, they are going to show last names for each door. The door your looking for is L/N." Y/N said.

"Okay" They both said.

As the boys left to get your stuff it was just you, Mafu, Sakata, and Urata.

"Let me show you where the be-" Mafu started saying before a phone rang.

"Sorry it's mine." Sakata said taking his phone out.

Sakata's POV:

As I went to answer my phone I saw the callers name and it read Soraru.

Me: Hey Soraru.

Soraru: I'm on the plane right now.

Sakata: Okay.

Soraru: My car better be in perfect condition.

It isn't.

Sakata: Yeah...

 I'm dead, I'm so dead...

"Hey Sakata who on the phone?" Urata said.

Oh thank god. Urata's here, I can give him the phone.

Me: Soraru, Urata wants to talk to you.

"No I don't." Urata said shaking his had left and right.

Soraru: Okay, give him the phone.

Urata's POV: 

No, no, no, no, no, no, no NO

Me: Hey, Soraru.

Soraru: What do you want?

Nothing, Sakata gave me the phone.

Me: I wanted to ask you if Amatsuki is watching Iroha and Potato.

Soraru: No, But he, Un:c, Araki, Nqrse, and Kanae are coming with me.

Me: Soraru, you didn't need to bring that much people.

Soraru: They begged me to!

Me: Where's Iroha and Potato

Soraru: In the plane with us.

Me: Okay.

Soraru: If you have nothing else to say to me can tell Sakata I said bye.

Me: Okay Soraru.

Then he hanged up the phone.

Sakata's POV:

"Soraru ended the call." Urata said handing my phone back.

"Can you tell Mafu that I'm going out for a bit?" I said.

"Can I come with you?" Urata said.

"Okay." I said

"Meet me in the lobby of this place." I said walking away.

"Yeah, okay." Urata said.

Your POV:

As Mafu was showing me the rooms Urata came up to us.

"Me and Urata are going out for a bit." The short boy stated.

"Okay" That was all Mafu said.

Then Urata left.

Time skip:

As I was shown all the rooms, I decided to pick the one next to Mafu.

"Hey Mafu do you want to get something to ea-"

Then the doorbell rang.

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