What happened part 19

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Alex's POV:

"I accept your challenge" I say to Alice.

"Okay." Alice says.

"Question 1: How did we kill Amy or as you call her, mother?" Alice questioned.

"The answer is: We stabbed her with a knife." I said with tears in my eyes.

"You are correct." Alice said.

"Question 2: Who is Jake in love with?" Alice questioned.

"Y/N." I answered.

"Correct." Alice said.

"Question 3: Who made Y/N forget about us?" Alice asked.

"M-me." I said.

"Correct." Alice said.

"Question 4: Why did you pretend to be bad." Alice said.

"If I didn't Y/N would have been killed." I said.

Time skip:

After answering 3 more questions I only had three more to go.

"Question 8: Who you think I set this up?" Alice asked.

'This is an easy question.'

"The answer is y-" I was going to say but I made myself shut up.

'Why would Alice ask that?'

'Does she expect me to say someone else?'

'But there couldn't be another one... right?'

"T-The answer is... no." I said.

"You are... correct." Alice says.

'My guess is right.'

'But that leave one more question?'

'Is there another personality?'

"Question 9: How many personalities do you think there are?" Alice asks.

'I have to go on a guess here.'

"Two." I say.

"Correct." Alice says.

"Question 10: Who is the third personality's name." Alice asks.

'I'm screwed.'

I look at Alice and see her hands doing something.

'Is she trying to help me?'

Alice first does a 'A'. Then she does a 'M'. Lastly a 'Y'.

"Amy." I said.

Alice has a look of happiness on her face.

"You are correct, but there's a bonus question." Alice says.

"What's the question?" I asked.

"How will the story end for Y/N, the Utaites, Jake, and Jack?" Alice asks.

"I don't know." I say.

"You only have two choices: Good or bad." Alice says.

"You better guess good and hard on it." Alice says.

Alice's POV:

'Alex you have to choose how it ends.'

'I'm to weak to fight agent Amy but you aren't.'

Y/N's POV:

When me, Jake, Urata, Sakata, Shima, and Senra got there we saw Jack and Amy. Amy has blonde hair, but her left eye is red while her right eye is blue.

"Hello everyone." Amy said as she made the knife closer to Mafu's neck.

"STOP!" Jake yelled.

"It's me that you want right." Jake said as he got closer.

"Yes." Amy said.

"Jake don't!" Jack warned.

Soon as Jake got close enough he tried to take Amy's knife out of her hands but he gotten nocked out by the girl.

"Does anyone else want to try that dumb shit." Amy said.

Amy held Jake and had the knife to his head.

"The only person I want is Y/N." Amy said.

"Do you want me to come over there?" I asked

"Yes, and hurry." Amy said.

"Don't do this Y/N." Urata said.

"Y/N, she will kill you!" Senra said.

"Stay over here." Shima said.

"You saw what she did to that boy, she will do the same to you." Sakata warned.

Didn't listen to them as I walked over to Amy. When I got close enough to her she dropped Jake and grabbed onto me, putting herself behind me and holding the knife.

"Do you have any last words Y/N L/N" Amy said.

"Yes." I say with tears in my eyes.

"Urata, you are one of the most funniest people I have met." I said as me and the boys (Minus Jack) were crying.

"Sakata, even though you can't drive, you drove your way into my heart." I say.

"Shima if it weren't for you crashing that car, I would have never gotten the chance to meet all of you." I said.

"Senra if you didn't threaten Matt and my mother, I would have still live in that hell hole." I said.

I looked at Mafu.

"Mafu, even though you can't hear me thank you for saving me." I said.

"And thank you for being my best friend, Jake you too Jack." I said.

Jack started having tears in his eyes.

"If I let you do this Amy, will you let them go?" I asked.

"I don't see a problem in that." Amy said.

"Then I'm ready." I say.

"YYYY/NNNNN" The boys yelled as they ran to me.

I closed my eyes as I saw my life flash before my eyes.

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