What happened part 15

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Shima's POV:

As I was in a classroom restroom with Y/N it sounded like Sakata opened the door.

"There is some good news." Mafu said.

'Mafu's back?'

"Did you get the key?" Sakata asked as he opened the door to where me and Y/N are.

"Yeah, and I brought a laptop that has camera's all over the school." Mafu said.

"Score!" Sakata said.

"Hey Shima is your arm getting better?" Mafu asked.

"Yeah." I say.

"Shall we get going." Sakata says as he picks up Y/N bridge style.

"Yeah." Me and Mafu say at the same time.

Mafu unlocks the door and I go out first, then Mafu, lastly Sakata.

"It's on the floor under here." Mafu says.

We see a staircase in the end of the hall way and we go in it, as we were going Mafu kept looking behind him. When we got to the staircase Mafu went down the stairs first, then Sakata, and lastly me. After we got to the second floor Mafu took out the key and we started to walk to the door. The door was black and it didn't have a window like the others.

'This will be used as a good base.'

Soon as Mafu opened the door, Sakata went in and placed Y/N on the ground and I went in. Mafu hands me the key and the laptop, while Sakata hands me a paper.

"Make sure to have your phone on silent incase we text you." Mafu says.

"Okay." I say.

Sakata and Mafu walk out the room and proceeded to look for our friends that is in this school. Soon as both of them were out I closed the door and locked it.

'I guess I should go though the camera's first.'

I opened the laptop and it opened to the camera's. I saw Sakata on the phone but then he starts running along with Mafu.

"Shima." I heard Y/N say.

When I heard Y/N say that I looked at her.

"Are you okay?" I ask the girl.

"It's all my fault." Y/N says.

"None of this is your fault." I say to the child.

"I need to find Alice, and I need to fix this." Y/N says getting up.

"Whoa tiger, you need to stay in here." I say as I get up.

"Why?" Y/N asks.

"Because your my responsibility now." I say.

Y/N looks at the ground and she sits.

"Fine, but I think I know how to stop this." Y/N says.

"How?" I question.

Y/N starts to explain.

Time skip:

After 10 minutes of Y/N explaining she finished.

"Yes, but even if we tried it may not work." I say.

"Your right." Y/N says.

Y/N looks at the laptop.

"What's on the laptop?" Y/N questions.

"Camera of the whole school." I say.

"Can I see it?" Y/N asks.

"Sure." I say.

I sit next to Y/N, on the wall and hand her the laptop.

"It's funny how my old computer teacher taught me how to rewind a camera." Y/N says.

As the footage was rewinding Y/N paused it.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Shima, we need to look for this boy right now." Y/N says showing me the laptop screen.

There was a boy with black hair, blue eyes, pale skin, a black shirt, black jeans, and some shoes.

"Why." I ask.

"Because he also knows what happened all those years ago." Y/N says.

Y/N starts playing the video and it seems the boy, Urata, and Senra went into the gym with adults following them.

"I'm going to call Mafu and tell him about the gym room." I say.

I take out my phone but my arm starts hurting.

"OW!" I say as I drop my phone to hold my arm.

"Are you okay Shima!" Y/N asks.

"Yeah." I say.

Y/N looks at my arm and she pulls up my shirt sleeve.

"What happened to your arm?!" Y/N asks.

"I came in contact with Alice or Alex." I say.

"Tell me what happened." Y/N demands.

"Okay." I said.

"It happened when..." I started.


When I looked at the map to see where the kitchen was, I saw it was on the first floor.

Time skip:

As I ran into the kitchen I saw the girl that looks like Alice.

'Shit.' Then I stated to run again.

'I need to call the others and tell them where Urata is.' I thought as I ran away from the crazy girl.

"GET BACK HERE." The girl yelled.

'I need to hide somewhere.' I thought.

When I got into a classroom I locked the door, then I moved the desks in front of the door, last I opened the window just in case.

I should call Senra.

As I waited for him to answer the door was being banged on by the crazy girl.

Senra: Shima what do you want.

Me: You need to get to the cafeteria on the first floor Urata is trapped in a freezer there.

Senra: Okay.

Me: There's more. The person that put Urata n the freezer is here on the first floor.

Then the noise stopped.

Me: You have to be sneaky when you get here bye.

Then I hung up the phone.

Then the door opened and the girl threw a knife but luckily for me I didn't get hit by it.

'Shit this is bad'

'I'm cornered'

Then the girl took out another knife.

"Goodbye~" The girl said creepily.

When the Alice look-alike stabbed me she only got me in my arm. The girl took the knife out and she was about to kill me but someone took the girls knife and cut her with it. It was only a small cut.

"Give me back my knife." The girl said.

When I looked at the person that took her knife I saw it was Sakata.

"If you want you knife go fetch it." Sakata said as he threw it out the window.

The Alice look alike jumped out the window to get her knife, but one she got it me and Sakata was out of the room.

Flashback end:

"And that's how I got the cut." I said.

I grabbed my phone and started to dialed Mafu's number. 

"Come on, answer." I whispered.

After a few seconds I hanged up because I knew he wasn't going to answer.

"Did he answer?" Y/N asked.

"No, for now we should just wait in here." I said.

Third POV:

And like that Shima and Y/N was waiting for the others to come back. 

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