Talking to USSS

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Third POV:

As the USSS members where trying to cheer Y/N up, she had said something pretty important.

"What about Soraru, Urata, Sakata, Senra, Shima, Amatsuki, and the others? Shouldn't they know about Mafu's condition?"

Your POV:

Why did the four boys looked surprised then scared?

"Sorry we need to go ..." The one with the red hair said.

"So you guys come in this room not asking for my name? How the hell did the front desk person let you people in!" I started yelling.

"She gave off the same energy when Soraru's woken up." The blond one said.

"We should definitely give our names to her." The brown haired one said

"I am Shima." The one with the mole bye his eye said and continued,

"The on with the red hair is Sakata, the short one is Urata an-" Shima was quickly cut off by Urata.

"I'm not that short, right Senra?"

"You are short for your age." The blonde one, who I'm guessing is Senra said.

Wait a minute! Are they USSS!

"By that look on your face it seems you know we are USSS." Senra said

"Please don't tell the fans they'll go crazy and try to find us." Urata and Sakata said in perfect unison.

"If you guys are here then does that mean others like Soraru and Amatsuki are here?" I said.

"No, but we really need to call Soraru and tell him, we catch you later." Sakata said.

"My names Y/N."

"Bye Y/N." The boys said then left. 

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