Don't let any USSS members drive

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Third POV:

As the USSS members were all in the car they decided to let Sakata drive.

And they regret it. 

As Sakata took a sharp left causing the others to slam to the left side of the car.

"Hey! You can't turn like that." Urata said rubbing his head.

"You do the same thing!" Sakata says back.

"At least I slow down when the light turns yellow."

And then Sakata pulled over just to look at Urata, who is behind him and says "Oh yeah? You want to go down there Urata." 

And before Urata could say anything he said "At least I didn't..."

Flash back:

 "Urata slow down or we might get pulled over by the cops!" Shima yelled at his fellow friend and singer.

"Ok, Shima." 

That's what Urata said but didn't do, as all he did was drive faster and faster.

"Guys I don't feel so good." Sakata said holding his stomach.

"That's what you get for eating those hotdogs." Shima said.

Then they came to a bumpy road.

And after (What had felt like years to them) they had finally reached the school.


"That was like hell Urata, not cool." Sakata said.

"Sakata let me drive."

"Ok Senra."

They both swapped places. Now Sakata's next to Shima in the back while Urata is next to Senra. As Senra was driving Urata wanted to listen to music, so he used the car's radio, but it messed up and Shima  accidently hit a car in front of him. 

The guy in front of them got out of his car and came to Shima's car.

"Watch where your driving!" The man yelled. 

"I'm so sorry sir." Shima said.

"Sorry wont cut it! You see that dent you made." The man yelled and continued.

"Stuff like that will cost money. You're lucky I don't tell the police about this."

Overlookers on the street started to look and some began recording.

Senra's POV:

"I didn't mean to hit your car. What happened was My fri-" Shima was trying to say but got cut off by the man.

"I don't give a damn about what happened! I already know. You were fooling around and you didn't look where your going, you lit-"The man was cut off.

"Here take this cash." Thank god Urata stepped in when he did. 

"Hey Shima can you drive for me?" I asked shyly.

"Ok." He had said.

Third POV:

As Shima was driving, he was driving a little bit slowly but no one really cared until Urata said something.

"Shima, you know you can drive faster." Urata said.

Worst mistake. 

He drove fast.

As he was driving he almost ran over a cat on the road instead making a quick turn hitting a box on the side of a building.

Everyone in the car's okay but the people in the elevator aren't.

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