What happened part 4

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Third POV:

Flash back:

As Urata, Sakata, Shima, and Senra was breaking into the school (to save Y/N, Mafu, and anyone else that's there) they saw two big doors. When they tried to open it the door was locked. Then they saw a window was left open and they walked to it.

"Do you think we should go in though there?" Urata asked.

"Yeah." Shima said as he jumped the small fence.

When they all jumped the fence, they got closer to the window.

"I don't think any of us could fit thought there." Sakata said.

"Maybe someone that is small like a child could go through there." Senra said.

Then Sakata, Shima, and Senra was looking at Urata.

"No way I am going by myself." Urata said.

"Urata do you see that door over there." Sakata says looking at two big doors.

"Yeah." Urata said.

"That's locked so we would need you to go over there and unlock it." Sakata said.

"Then after you unlock the door we would all be together again." Shima said.

"Fine." Urata said.

When Urata tried to get through the window he got stuck halfway.

"Guys I need help." Urata said.

"Don't worry I'll give you the push you need." Senra said.

Then Senra push Urata really hard but Urata got through the door.

"Ouch! Senra that hurts." Urata says as he holds his head.

"If I had pushed lighter you still would have been stuck." Senra said in his defense.

"Urata be careful while you are in there." Shima says.

"Yeah, I know." Urata says.

"Be quiet while you are there." Sakata says.

"Don't worry I'll be fine." Urata says as he walks away from them.

Sakata's POV:


It has been two hours, and Urata has not opened the door.

"Guys do you think something has happened." I say.

"Do you want to try and find another way in." Senra said.

"Yeah." Me and Shima say as we out from the hiding spot we are at.

Time skip:

As we where looking for another way in I heard someone scream and it did not sound like a child.

"Guys" I said.

"Yeah." Shima said.

"I heard someone scream." I said.

"We should hurry." Senra said but then he looks up.

"Have any of you two climbed a tree before?" Senra asks.

"Yeah." I say.

"Yes, but why do you want to know." Shima says.

"Because if we clime this tree we can clime through the window and find Urata, Mafu, and Y/N." Senra says.

"Okay." I say.

"Sakata you should clime first you are the lightest between me and Senra." Shima says and I nod my head.

When I grab on to the tree it looks pretty sturdy. As I climb up Senra says, "Sakata do you see that window.".

Then I see the window.

"I want you to try and jump to it." Senra says.

'Oh shit.'

Soon as I jump from the tree I grab on to the window's ledge and get in.

Shima did the same thing.

As Senra was climbing the tree's branch broke but luckily he landed the floor under me and Shima.

"You guys look for Mafu and Y/N, while I try to look for Urata." Senra says.

"Okay" Shima said.

"One more thing, if you two some how split up I want Sakata to look for Y/N and Shima to look for Mafu" Senra says.

"Okay" I say.

"Are you ready Sakata?" Shima says.

"Yeah." I say as I grab on to the door.

Soon as I opened the door we where greeted by a girl with blond hair and red eyes, but the girl had blood all over her.

'Isn't that the girl from the repair shop?'

"You will take my Mafu away so you will have to DIE." The girl yelled as she took out a knife but me and Shima pushed her out the way and ran opponent ways.

'Damn this isn't good.' I thought as I ran away from that crazy girl.

"GET BACK HERE." The girl yelled.

When I looked behind me the girl was running after me.

'This is bad.' I thought as I ran away from the crazy girl.

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