They're more suss then USSS/ They're in maid dresses/ The crazy fans are here!

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Mafu's POV:

As me and Y/N were talking, I thought about the summer camp and if Y/N still wanted to go.

"Hey, Y/N do you still want to go to that summer camp?" I asked.

"Yeah, only for two reasons. One I get to spend time with you, and two I get to stay away from USSS." Y/N said.

Does she not like Urata, Sakata, Senra, and Shima?

"It's not like I hate them, but I just find them more... weird." Y/N replied.

"True, they are more suss then USSS." I said.

"Why in almost every song I listen to, they have to say 'Ah~' like that? Do they know what they're doing or are they just weird like that?  Don't even get me started with 'Whale Hole, Peacock Epoch, Oiran Oreran Confusion, Trip-Trap, Love Trap' and the other songs they have." When Y/N finished saying that, I immediately started laughing.

Your POV:

Why is Mafu laughing? It's true!

"Do you want to ask them about it?" Mafu asked.

"Yeah!" I answered.

Third POV:

Soraru was writing a shopping list for Urata and Shima to them to buy food, while the others were watching the whole thing go down.

"Hey Soraru should we help them?" Kanae asked.

"No this is their punishment." Soraru said.

"Also I have something for you too, Sakata and Senra." Soraru said finishing the list for Urata and Shima.

After handing over the list, he told them to drive normal or he will spill coffee on their gaming systems. 

"What you both will be doing is cleaning the house because there is a lot of dust." Soraru said sliding his pointer finger down the table getting some dust on it.

"Okay." both boys said.

Time skip:

Kanae's POV:

As I was in my room on my phone looking at memes, I didn't notice Iroha get on my bed until I felt something fluffy and screamed.

"Iroha! Not cool!" I said but all I got back was a meow from her and saw her sleep on my bed.

Why does it have to be my bed she gets on? I thought as my stomach started to rumble, and I got up to enter the kitchen to make myself something to eat.

When I got there I saw something that made me shook.

Sakata and Senra both had maid dresses on.

"Shut up Kanae!" Sakata said.

"I wasn't going to say anything!" I said.

But as soon as I said that, I took my phone out and took a picture.

"But your fans would!" I said and ran to my room fast as I can.

"Kanae you jerk!" Sakata said as he ran after me while Senra's face turned so pale you could mistake him for a ghost.

When I made it to my room I quickly locked the door and I was about to jump on my bed but Potato was in here with Iroha on my bed.

"Don't send that Kanae!!" Sakata yelled.

Third POV:

"OMG IT'S URATA AND SHIMA!" A fan yelled.

"HURRY!" both boys yelled at each other while throwing the food in the back of the car.

As the boys were running for their lives they both should have been more careful.

Flash back:

After Soraru gave them the list both boys left and took the car.

As Shima was driving Urata told him something.

"The fans know we're here." was all Urata said.

Shima was driving a little bit slower but sped up a little when Urata said that.

"Do they know exactly where?" Shima said.

"No but they know we are in America." The brown haired boy said.

 "This is not good, we should tell the others about this." Shima said as he parked the car.

"Yeah but after we get the food." Urata said.

As the boys got out of Sakata's car they both went into the store.

"We should split up, that way we can get the list done faster." Shima said and Urata nodded his had.

Time skip:

As both boys were done with their  side of the list and paying for it, they were putting the food away in the car when someone yelled out "OMG IT'S URATA AND SHIMA!".

Once they said that a ton of people came out and ran to them.


Both boys got the food in there and started driving away but the fans got in cars and began following them.

"The fans are still behind us, Shima." Urata said.

After making 5 lefts and 4 rights Shima lost them.

"We should call the others." Shima said driving back to the apartment.

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