1. late night race

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"Mum I am leaving!" - I yelled from front door turning around to the kitchen. I just finished helping my mum cleaning the table after dinner.

"When are you coming back?" - She asked coming towards door.

"I don't know but I'll text you where I am so you don't have to worry." -  I hugged her and she hugged me back. I took keys of my car and opened the house door.

"Be careful!" -  My brother yelled from couch in living room.

"I will!" - I yelled back and closed the door.

I loved my family, we have a little fights like casual family has but nothing that can stand between our bond. Fights are usually about leaving dirty dishes, clothes, or just not cleaning our rooms, but everything is fine after.

I opened garage door and got into car then started driving to my favourite place. Racing street. LA is place where you can find that, I lived here my whole life, and I know every corner very well. I was popular here, my driving got me popular.

Not just driving cars, I drive motorbikes and I am into motorcross. I basicly love everything fast on wheels.

I was popular on instagram because of that. I was on few races, and motocross competitions and I won stuff, but the thing that makes me happy about all of this is that I already found my passion. And it's driving.

I stopped at my destination and I turned off the engine. I got out of the car and people already started greeting me.

Then two of my friends came. Jordan and Veronica. They were couple but it didn't bother me. I was always third wheel but I always had  four wheels on my car who I bought for myself for my 18th birthday.

I had sponsors and I had money so I bought myself a car of my dreams. Yellow and black Ford Mustang.

"Hey I didn't except you to come." -  Veronica said going towards me and hugging me.

"I needed to clear my head." - I said, then Jordan hugged me too.

"Hey people, look who is here, Athena Robbins, the queen of LA streets!" - Jordan yelled getting everyones attention and they started chearing for me. I laughed.

"Let's get this night started!" - I yelled and again I could hear people yelling and cheering.

I started talking to everyone, I lost Veronica and Jordan but I didn't care where they are.

I was laughing with some people when men came and tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, Athena.. Big fan.." -  Man said looking a little nervous.

"Wait, do I know you from somewhere?" - I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him in eyes.

"Well i am tiktoker.." -  He said proudly as he heard my words.

"Yeah, Bryce Hall, right?" - I said slightly smiling.

"Yeah! How do you know me?" - He asked suprisingly and I could feel his happines because of the words I said.

"I had a tiktok, I saw you few times."

"Well, these are my friends, Blake, Anthony, Josh and our racer tonight Vinnie."

I greeted everyone and I stopped at last one.
"Racer huh, you are new here, I never saw you here before."

"Yeah I am.." - He said not changing his face, it looked like he was emotionless.

"Well I am going to give you advice" - I got up and got to his ear and whispered to him "These streets are not for you, softie" - I smiled to him and left.

I could feel his look at my back as I walked away in the crowd where people again started cheering when they saw me coming and I just raised my hands and got up to them.

"Dude, how do you feel?" - Bryce asked him curiously.

"About what?" - Vinnie furrowed his eyebrows at Bryce's question.

"Dude, that was Athena Robbins, she just got near you and you are not freaking ou!?" - Blake yelled at him, not too loud.

"I guess it's fine I don't know." - He shrugged shoulders looking back at me.

This was not usual street race, it was organized and it was legal, if my mother knew that it was illegal she would never let me go. Not after last time.

"Alright people, it's 11pm what means the late night racing starts now!" - Man with microphone on stage, said.

"Before we start searching for our competitors, I wanted to say that we have honour that with us tonight is Athena Robbins!" -  He yelled and pointed at me and all people started chearing again. I just smiled and shook my head.

"Okay so, who wants to go first tonight?" - He asked looking at crowd. I never wanted to go first, I always wanted to see my competition, example why would I go with someone who never had their first race. I wanted real competition.

Someone raised hand, making everyone turn their heads in his direction.

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