43. i already did too much damage

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"what the fuck are you doing here?" i heard yelling from my left side. i raised my look. it was athena's family, and the one who yelled was her brother. yeah i am going to get my ass beaten up.

"look man i ju-" before i could speak anything as soon as i stood up he took me by shirt and slammed me into the wall. i hissed at hit.

"you broke her!" he yelled in my face.

"you think i don't know that!" i yelled back with my eyes getting watery again. God.. she was my weak spot. "i know i fucked up. i said to her that i am sorry and i feel guilty because for past whole week all i've been doing is crying in my room because of stupid things i did!" i continued yelling.

athena's parents were more worried than angry at this moment.

"josh, i was there when accident happen. i was the first one to go up to her and i was the one who was holding her until ambulance came!" i wanted to let it out of myself.

"look at me. my chlotes are red because of blood. and i don't regret it. i can replace them, but i can't replace her life. if i had a chance i would rather die to let her live!" i started crying and he let my shirt.

"vinnie, you may say those things and no matter how much i believe you, you didn't see her for past week. she didn't got out of her room." josh continued.

"you think i've been any better?" i asked him and he kept same face.

"what even happen?" he swiched theme and stepped back with his family. their dad was holding their mom.

my mouth opened at first, but nothing came out. i thought i already said something because of how real pictures and memories were.

"she signed for race, and mason i think it was his name signed too. i guess he was the one she almost killed. but now he did same thing to her, and because she couldn't see anything on road she missed turn and went out of race track, down to the road." my voice broke.

"on what race track were they?" he asked quietly.

i looked down. "way to hell" at my words he closed his eyes and tried to keep himself calm.

audrey (athena's mom) hugged me.

"it's not your fault." she comforted me. "you tried your best" she added. i felt better. but i know they all are mad because what i did to her.

4 hours passed. police was already there they took  notes of what happened from me and left soon after.

her family and i were still waiting. i got messages from friends every 10 minutes and everytime i would say that we didn't heard anything from doctors.

until, doors opened. i immediately went up. she was laying in bed with tons of machines connected to her body. her face was full of scras because of glass and her arms had bruises.

i putted my arms on the bed looking at her with wide eyes and disbelief.

"she had hard surgery. she is still in dangerous situation but she can get out of it. she had internal bleeding in stomach but we took it under control. she had broken right leg and right arm. head is fine wich is amazing, but we still have to test her heart. we almost lost her couple of times." i listened to doctor with wide eyes.

how could second change someones life this much?

"when will she be awake?" her mother asked as tears were running down her face. josh was holding athena for arm. i didn't dare to touch her. i already did too much damage to her.

"we don't know.." he said quietly. we all put our heads down in silence.

"when can we be with her?" her dad asked. i raised my head to doctor hoping for good answer. but anyway, she wouldn't like to see me.

"besides her situation, you can be with her all the time. she is on the edge fof life and death." that's it. sentence that broke me.

will i loose the love of my life? did i just say that? yes, she is the love of my life. they took her to her room and once again i felt empty.

8 days passed. same situation. her heart raced up few times but doctors took it under control. i was there whole time, i didn't have anything better to do.

her parents had work, but they were at her room as soon as they could be. her brother was at home and here at hospital. he needed to do and house work and other jobs.

avani, amelie and others were here couple times too but they didn't expect too much.

news on the other side were crazy. some of them said she died, some of them that she is faking and that she is fine.

mason was arrested and took to the police station. not sure what is gonna happen to him.

i was standing outisde of her room. watching her from window. it was 8am. josh was supposted to be here around 11am and her parents around 3pm.

that's the moment i lost myself. i saw her struggling to open her eyes. my eyes went wide. is this real? am i dreaming? is it too early for me to be woken up?

she opened her eyes and started looking around the room not moving finger.

what do i do? does she want to see me? does she not? fuck it, imma go in.

i slowly opened room to meet her eyes. God i missed her light brown eyes so much. she blinked at me few times before making confused face.


"what are you doing here?" i said as loud as i can wich is in this situation really quiet. my throat hurted. i felt heaviness on my body because of the all machines.

"i- uh.. i was here whole time and i noticed you opening your arms so i went in room." he spoke shyly with his arms in jacket pockets.

"vinnie, you know w-" he interrupted me.

"athena, you don't have other choice than to listen to me now.." at his words i slowly turned my face not facing him. but i could still see him in corner of my eye.

"do you remember night when accident happen?" he asked sitting on chair next to my bed.

"no" was all i said. i was looking out of the window outside. it was mid october, it was beautiful.

"athena, i was there and.. it was bad"

"no shit sherlock, it was bad? no, i didn't notice that at all." i turned my head with adittude to him pointing at my body and situation i am in right now.

"it was bad for me too.." he added with calming voice.

"what do you mean?" i asked furrowing eyebrows.



what do you think? will she forgive him that easily?

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