13. gone wrong

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As I stepped on gas my car was already far in front of hers so I kept my promise and slowed down.

Our cars were one by another. I was watching and processing her actions. I tried to look slower so she feels confident in this speed. We were going around 80 mph what is not fast at all for racers.

In one moment she noticed that I am keeping up with her. She just stepped on gas and passed by me really fast.

That made me upset. I am sure she doesn't know what is she doing.

She looked at review mirror. I know what is gonna happened. She didn't notice the biggest turn where you really have to step on breaks to turn.

It was too late to step on brakes. Even if she step on breaks she'll get off the race track.

I got and idea.

I speeded up to get by her car. I just turned car to right pushing her car back on track. And she finally stopped stepping on breaks.

It was little late for me to turn so I got off the road. Car abruptly halted making me jump a little in car.

On luck no one hit anything. As soon as I calmed myself after few seconds I opened door and got out of the car.

Crowd was just watching us while our friends were going towards mine and Olivia's car.

I went to her car while Kio was helping her out while she hold her hand.

Vinnie got to me before I came to Olivia's car.

"Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" - He asked walking beside me and holding me by shoulders.

"Yeah I am fine, don't worry..." - I sounded really upset and breathless.

"Are you okay?" - Kio asked holding Olivia beside him.

"Yeah I am thanks for asking, are you okay Olivia?" - I turned to her.

"You bitch!" - She yelled at me making everyone confused.

"I hurt my arm because of you?!" - She yelled again making me furrow my eyebrows at her.

"I just saved your life. You could've hit in wall and get yourself killed. You should be thankful for that!" - I defended myself.

"I had everything under control!" - She replied.

"Oh yeah? Then why didn't you turn on a time?" - She went silent.

"Everyhting was fine." - She calmly said and  I noticed that she made a pause and that she was about to say something more "Before you walked in our lives."

That made me silent. Am I actually affecting on them like that. Am I too rude? I know my personity and when I am used to people I am more confident and act like I don't care. I am rude to everyone close to me but for a joke. I would never hurt anyone close to me.

I noticed that everyone was silent in group after what she said, instead of Vinnie.

"Olivia why would you say that?" - Vinnie tried to step up for me.

"It's okay... I see now.." - I say while my voice cracked. I didn't want to cry. I barely cried in my life. But it doesn't mean it didn't hurt. It hurts like bullet in heart.

"Athena, we-"

"No, it's okay.. I am just wondering will she noticed that I saved her life. She could've crahs into that wall and she would still blame me. Did that hug hurt you so much so you are acting like this towards me?" - I interrupted Vinnie and continue talking with my voice cracking on the end of every sentence.

"If it's that how you all feel about me.. That it was better without me.. I am sorry if I did or said anything that would hurt your feelings. I am like that with close friends.. I am rude but not in serious way. If I said something that would ever hurt you.. I am sorry okay.
I just want y'all to know that it was joke. I never meant it.. It was never real." - I made a pause "Not real like our friendship."

My voice was fixed by now.

"Goodbye." - I said and went to my car. Even if it's damaged by our cars hitting each others I can still drive.

When I pulled my car out of grass and was about to drive I heard a knock on window. I turned to see who it was, and it was Vinnie.

"You okay?" - He apologized.

"No not really.. Is that how they feel?"

"I don't know, I know I don't feel like that, I like this between us.. Do you want to go grab food?" - He asked with hope in his voice. He sounded like he really cared.

"Yeah sure.. But I got an plan, get in car and follow me." - I slightly smiled and he went to his car with chuckle. I waited for him to go over and drive to me so we can go together. It was almost midnight.


"Hey where are you going?" - Bryce asked me when he saw me going towards car.

"With Athena" - I responded coldly. I know they don't feel about Athena like Olivia said. But they didn't even try to talk to her and apologize.

"You guys screwed up.. Y'all lost her.." - I said and got into a car driving to Athena. I could see their disappointed looks. Especially on Kio. I think he was ashamed for Olivia.


My mum and dad told before I left they are going in our lake house with my brother for two days so I am going to invite Vinnie over.

Our first stop was at grocery store. I parked and Vinnie parked next to me.

"Why are we at grocery store?" - Vinnie aksed locking his car and walking towards me.

"The idea I told you about. My parents and brother are going to our lake house, and I have house for 2 days. So I was thinking about sleepover with you and others, but this situation appeared and yeah.. Just us.. I mean if you want to.." - I said walking with him towards the entrance.

"Yeah sure.. I just need to text my parents that I am gonna stay over, because I was supposted to go to their house tonight.." - He pulled out his phone and started texting.

"So I was planning on baking cookies or cake, eating ice cream, we can have lip sync battle, and also put face masks on..-"

"Woah, calm down.." - He interrupted me and we both chuckeled.

I was happy to have friend  like him. But after that kiss something changed. I have to discover how he feels about us  if he feels just a little bit like I do. Maybe we try something.



i just wanted to thank y'all for 100 readers!

i am so glad for this support!

i love you all!

any thoughts on story by far?

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