41. way to the hell

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"there are some friends that want to see you" my brother said standing on door. he looked at the way where amelie and avani came from.

he left and closed the door. they sat on the bed next to me.

"we wanted to check on you" amelie said putting her hand on my shoulder. i was sniffing and hugging pilow for some reason.

"well, as you can see i am not doing that well.." my voice broke. i don't know what vinnie did to make me so attached to him in this short time.

last week i slept only across the day. nights were nightmares. literal nightmares for me. i would have same ones since i was 12 years old.


"whatch out!" i heard my mum yell. i looked at her looking away from phone in my hands.

last thing i remember before loosing counsciousness was my mother holding my father's hand, my sister screaming and my brother who tried to hug us more to him so we don't hurt ourselves much.

it was too late. my head hit my father's seat. sharp pain went through my body in a moment. like i was hitted with a lightning.

after what felt like second but was probably a long time i opened eyes. car was upside down. half of my body was out of the car through the window while my lower half was in car.

i felt blood coming from my head. i couldn't move. schock hit me that much that i couldn't talk and ask if anyone is still uncounscious.

that was until i heard sirens in distance. i was looking at the sky. it was beautiful. i tried to keep myself up because sirens were only things that were giving me hope of mine and my family's life.

red and blue lights covered left side of my face. that was last thing i remember before waking up with strong lights and bright halls.

a lot of people yelling around me. hospitals mess me up every time. i always hated them.

*end of flashback*

"athena?" avani slightly asked.

"hm?" i hummed not looking at them. my eyes started watering because i was not blinking.

"are you okay? you zooned out for a moment.." avani added. i blinked few times to keep tears away and looked at them.

"yeah, i just remembered something.. anyways why are you here?" i asked. i loved that i wasn't alone in this situation.

"well, there is some races tonight.. wanna come, have fun and forget about everything. we know how races make you happy." avani asked smiling. and avani followed along with smile.

i stopped for a second. thinking. should i go or not?

"yeah alright" who knows maybe i will feel better after few races.

they cheered. after i dressed we went to eat and drink something. it was fun time. it actually made me forget about everything.

we went in my car and drove to the place where race was supposted to be. there were a lot of people actually.  some of them greeted me and took a picture.

i also noticed few paparazzi's on a distance from us. and blake and bryce joined us as well.

when a little time passed. it was 10pm. like before, everyone who wanted to race went in one crowd. i signed for the first racer and went up on platform.

while choosing another one my eyes met one pretty recognizable ones. vinnie. i sighed. still keeping eye contact with him. his look showed that he wanted to race but i shook my head a little at him.

his face went down. if he signed i wouldn't. i would just walk off the platform and go back home crying.

"we got one!" i was so in my thoughts that i haven't noticed they choosed another racer. i looked at vinnie and he was looking besides me. that means it's not him.

i looked to my right and it was one and only. mason blakely. the guy i almosy killed before 8 months or so. remember that 'i can't go too fast because it will make dust and i'll kill someone in it' yeah he was one of them.

he looked taller, more mascular, he had some tattoes on his neck and his hair was darker and longer.

i went up to him so we can greet before race as always.

"look i am sor-" i started talking quietly before he cutted me off.

"it happened. and don't think i am not mad about it." he angrily said. i looked down because i couldn't look him in eyes.

"see you on the way to the hell" he went off. wait. we aren't going on that race track.. right?

everything but way to the hell. i almost died there on one turn. i almost killed 3 more people there. yeah, name is what is really is.

i took deep breath going to amelie, avani, blake and bryce.

"why you look so furious?" avani asked worriedly. they started following me towards my car.

"that is the guy i almost killed 8 months ago. he is scarier now and we are racing on 'way to the hell' track" i explained. they were speachless.

not gonna blame them i would be too.

i got in car driving it to the start. as i was waiting for him to come i looked through my left window and saw vinnie standing.

he looked sad and scared at the same time. i didn't recognize that look on his face before but i turned around as i heard mason's car comming.

after few more minutes race started. i was so stressed whole 5 minutes of race. i kept up with him so i don't try to kill him. again.

there it is. big turn i almost lost my life on. i took deep breath and placed both of my hands in steering wheel. we're not far from finish.

he sped up. that wasn't good idea. you have to slow down here. i furrowed my eyebrows. dust started appearing behind his wheels.

anxiety raised every second. and every second more and more of my eyesight getting blured. that was until it was completely blured.

it was too late to stop the car. i was going over 100kmph. i hit the low fence who was going all around race track.

my chest felt slight pressure of air bag. hit was so hard that even with seatbealt on i hitted my head on the glass and broke it. there stayed blood.

car flipped across the fence making his way down the slight hill on the road. car upside down with me not moving under it.



how do you think this will end?

and thank you for over 7.5k readers.. that means soo muchh to meee!!! <3 love you all!! <3

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