27. it will be okay..

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ride was silent. nothing else. silent. i think that at this time i needed silence. after all that arguments and yelling. i really need to relax myself a little. i needed to prepare for tags, ane everything. i wanted to put my phone on 'do not disturb'.

but before i did that i got message. from my mother. it said "me, and dad are at lake house for the few days. we need to fix something and renovate some things. you have money if you need more come to us, love you".

message was actually sent before an hour. so i guess i was in that rush i didn't notice my phone go off. i sighed.

"can you guys stay with me tonight. my dad and mum are at lake house.. i am sure josh won't disturb us." i offered. i didn't want to be alone tonight. i wanted to do something fun to forget this disaster of dinner. it's funny how things can change really fast.

"i mean.. i will if vinnie will. i think it would be uncomfortable if i stay and vinnie don't." kio said. i guess it would be awkward? but i don't know.

"i mean yeah, but we need to go to the sway to take some of our stuff.." vinnie added and kio agreed with him.

"okay then, you left me at my house and you guys go grab things i will clean house a little until that." they agreed with me. i tried to clear my mind and shake off last hour by looking through window and at houses around.

some of people were outside having time of their life. i should too. but not when these people who have problem with me are following me.

they dropped me off at my house. i unlocked it what means no one is at house yet, but i wonder where did lizzie go.. mom didn't say that she is with them at lake house. i turned on lights and sighed taking off vinnie's hoodie. it was so hot in it.

i took it to my room then changed in basic shirt and shorts then started cleaning a little.

i heard doorbell. i got to the door then opened it. it was josh. he looked pissed and like he was about to cry. his eyes were red and he looked at me with sadness.

i pulled him into a hug and he hugged me immediately.

"it's gonna be fine. you don't have to be stressed about anything or even sad. you got to meet her real side sooner." i said still into a hug with him after he pulled away.

"she told me she loves me on voice message before few minutes" he sounded like he was on the edge of tears.

"i wouldn't trust her. she caused almost everything tonight and she will start it again. she will send that video to tiktok room and there is it.. new drama" i explained. he just nodded and wiped tears off his eyes.

"i am going to lake house for few days, i need rest from town not just people" he added.

"mom and dad are there too, they say they need to renovate something"

"i am okay with that.. at least i'll have something to distarct myself" he went into his room and took his bag then put things, basicly everything he needed for few days.

"do you know where lizzie is?" i asked as i get to his room to see him packing.

"yeah she texted me, she is out with friends, she doesn't know when she'll come back" he answered and i nodded in respond. he put the bag on his back and went to me.

"thank you for advice, and for everything you did.. i love you sis" he smiled at me.

"i know you love me" i made him chuckle. i hugged him one more time then we went downstairs.

"take care of yourself, girls will come" i said standing on the door.

he smiled and got in his car. i was standing in same position. as soon as he left i was about to close door but car pulled up to my driveway. there were kio and vinnie with their bags.

i kissed vinnie when he came to the door and hugged kio.

"josh left to the lake house.. and lizzie is out with her friends.." i informed them.

"who is lizzie?" kio asked.

"my sister.. she came here for some time before she leaves to new york again" i responded and he nodded i response.

"vinnie you can sleep with me and kio you can get my brothers room.." i said to them then we all went upstairs. while vinnie was in my room i showed kio where is josh's room.

he got in and putted his bag on bed and started unpacking. i was just standing at the door with crossed arms.

"are you okay kio?" i asked him. because he was feeling really down whole time. not just when olivia came and caused a scene before.

"no.. i mean.. i broke up with her, and she is still doing this shit. i just don't get it. why would she spill drink on you?" he asked himself and turned to me.

"it's okay. trust me, she is gonna leave you bu-"

"but it is a matter of time.. yeah i know." he interrupted me and i just nodded in response.

"i hope she will leave me soon because if she is going to continue this i will not be able to spend time with my girl friends at all."

"it will be okay.. just don't bother yourself with that much" and i meant that. people told me that a lot of times and it's true. eveything good will happened if you wait patiently and don't think about anything negative.

they went downstairs and i obviously needed a shower. after shower i dressed up and got downstairs.

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