25. night went wrong

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we went into vinnie's car. i was sitting infornt with vinnie and laila with josh in the backseat.

after laila explained vinnie where is the restaurant he followed.

"why are there so many of paparrazzi?" vinnie asked not looking away from road infornt of him.

"i don't know, it's like someone told them that we'll be here." i responded. flashes are already on us. cameras and everything. it was hard to keep eyes open.

"do you want to go to another one?" vinnie turned to me and asked.

"no, even if we go they will follow us so we can't escape either way" i explained. and it was like that. they will follow.

"athena, i think this is not good for you.." my brother spoke making vinnie to turn from door to both of us.

"why? what's the problem?" he asked us.

"you didn't tell him?" josh turned to me.

"you didn't told me what?" vinnie asked me.

"i have panick attacks around a lot people.." i said and my head went down. it's not that i was embarrassed. i was worried what he'll say because i kept that from him.

"it's fine.. like you say they would just follow us so we can't escape. just hold my hand if you feel like you are about ti have panick attack"

"thank you" i thanked vinnie. he sounded like he is the type who will always be there for you. and i trusted him with that.

as soon as i got out flashes and cameras went straight to me. vinnie parked infornt of restaurant so he'll got out on side where road is. and me.. well i am not that luck. i was perfect target for them.

"are the rumors true?"

"they-" i was interrupted by another voice.

"are you and vinnie really dating?"

"we-" i am interrupted again.

"for how long?"

"i am pr-" and again.

"what do you say on person who exposed your relationship?"

"well sh-" and again.

"is this double date?" one of them asked as soon as he saw josh and laila going towards me holding hands.

i started to breath heavily. luckly vinnie came behind me and took my hand.

"don't worry, breathe.. i am here" he whispered so i am the only one who can hear.

i nodded and and my breaths became deeper and slower. i was calming down. i closed my eyes but still i could see flashes and hear people shouting.

"okay, maybe next time guys.. not perfect time right now.." vinnie said it loud enough so every one of them can hear.

we went into restaurant with laila and josh following us. as soon as we stepped in. everyone and i mean literally everyone had eyes on us.

cameras were still flashing from outisde of the window. so i assume it's because of that.

"do you guys want to go up on balcony? it's more quiet and there are not much people." josh asked looking at me. he knew i hated this situations.

"yeah, that would be great" i responded. all the way upstairs vinnie hold my hand and hold me close to him. his hand squeezing mine enough to feel safe not too much to hurt.

we find a table and sat down. me and vinnie were sitting infornt of josh and laila. we got into small conversation when waiter came and took our orders.

while vinnie and josh were talking and laila as usually looking at her phone i was looking around.

"hey is that kio?" i didn't turn my attention from him but i still asked vinnie.

"yeah, should we go to say hi?"

"yeah, we'll be right back guys.." we got up and went to kio's table. he was sitting alone.

"hey kio" i greeted.

"hey man" vinnie followed.

"oh hey guys" his face lighted up immediately when he saw us.

"what are you doing here alone?" vinnie kept conversation.

"oh, i like this place and it calms me down" he responded looking down.

"did something happened?" i furrowed my eyebrows. he said he comes here to calm himself down. something could happen.

"just situation with olivia.. that's it.." he was looking at his glass of juice he ordered.

"do you want to join us? we are here with athena's brother and his girlfriend.." i nodded at vinnie's question. i wouldn't be mad if he came and sit with us.

but i would be awful friend if i just had fun and watch him suffer, what is not to meantion partly my fault.

"you sure you don't mind" he wanted to be sure he didn't bother us. but both me and vinnie told him that its fine and we would like him to sit with us..

we came to our table. kio took his drink and brought it to ours table.

"hey guys this i-" i was interrupted by literal high pitched voice.

"kio cyr omg!" yup. you could guess. laila.

"umm hi" he sounded kind of uncomfortable.

"yeah, josh this is kio.. laila i see you already know who he is.. he is here alone so he'll sit with us." i continued explaining and josh nodded while laila was looking at kio amazed.

we started conversation and it was pretty chill, i was sitting in the middle of kio and vinnie. until i felt cold liquid spilling on my head and down my chlotes.

"what the fuck-" i yelled.

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