8. driver instructor

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"Girls you are with me in a car!" - I turned to Amelia, Nessa, Addison and Avani and they sounded so happy and exited after all things boys told them about my ride.

"So then, Olivia is going with us?" - Bryce asked as he turned to Vinnie because he was the one who was driving them.

"Before she says anything." - I interrupted them and turned to Olivia. "Olivia look, I don't have problem with you, but you obviously have with me. I don't know what is big deal about hug. I literally hug every person I meet. Being it boy or girl it's not important. Other girls obivously don't have problem because I hugged their boyfriends." - I told her and she shrugged it.

"I am going with boys." - She said and buried her face in Kio's chest.

"Okay, not my problem.." - I told her. I looked at Kio who shook his head in embarrassment.

"Let's go girls.. Oh and softie.." - Vinnie turned to face me. "Let's go around the town on highway.. prove yourself that you are not softie and beat me in one race."

Everyone looked at us and smiled because they are obviously getting content.

"Fine with me." - He said and all boys and girls got excited as they started jumping.

When we got outside girls admired my car then got in it. Seat by drivers is still empty I am sure none of them feel safe to sit there so they sat in each other laps.

Kio came up to me before I got in car.

"Hey I was wondering if I can go with you and girls.. Olivia is kinda mad, and there is no more seats in car.." -  He said quietly so no one can hear him.

"As long as your girlfriend doesn't have problem with that I am okay with that. And plus everyone is scared to sit on passenger seat so.. Get in." - I said and he jumped and sat in car. I looked at the boys car who was beside. Olivia looked disappointed.

I quickly got my look off of her so she doesn't notice that I am looking at her. I looked at Vinnie and he smiled on drivers seat. I smiled at him back and sat in car.

"You guys ready?" - I said and turned on car and stepped on gas what made car roar. I loved that.

Everyone started yelling. Kio turned on his camera and started placing it on right spot, as soon as I speed up everyone got back in their seat and Kio's camera almost fell.

He set his camera and at first red light we stopped and Vinnie's car got beside us on right side, on Kio's window. I rolled it down and they started filming and yelling out of the car.

Finally green light. I stepped on the gas leaving them behind. I looked at review mirror and saw them, and Vinnie's sinister smile. I smiled too as I open all windows. They put their heads out. I opened ceiling window and Amelia stood up.

Kio was laughing and yelling as much as others.
We were on highway and I was going around 120 pmh.

As we got on regular road we slowed down. I mean I did. Vinnie wasn't near.

We got to restaurant. They were smiling and laughing. They sounded like they had time of their lives. And that made me happy. Few fletchers came up to us. All others who were in my car had biggest smiles on their faces and so did I.

"Kio, was that first ride in Athena Robbins' car?"  One flatcher asked as we were waiting for others.

"It was and it was best ride of my life. Dude, I can't explain how good was it, and how it felt you just need to expirience it to yourslef." - Kio said as he sounded proud of himself.

"Thank you, Kio" - Other girls were saying same. And fletchers asked me few questions about Vinnie. I was slightly annoyed but now that everything is clear.. It was better.

Others came finally. Fletchers immediately ran up to them and started asking them questions. When Vinnie get himself out of crowd he got up to me.

"And again.. I won" - I say and he smiled.

"I am gonna win one day, trust me." - He defended himself while we were walking in restaurant with others in front of us.

"That day maybe never comes if you keep driving like that." - Is all I said until we found table to sit.

When we were about to finish Olivia asked me question very quietly so no one can hear it. "Can I get back at sway house with your car?"
"Sure" - I responded with furrowed eyebrows, suprised as why she would suddenly changed her mind.

We paid for our food and sat there little more.

"Okay so, I want to teach Vinnie few tricks, so he is going with me on passenger seat with Kio and Olivia back, so Vinnie you'll give your car to Blake or Bryce and some of girls are going with them. Plus you are the only one who wasn't in car with me, yet."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

When we left in my car were Kio, Olivia, Vinnie, Avani and Amelia.. And others were in Vinnie's car who he gave to Blake.

"Okay so, first when you get in the car..." - I was trying to teach Vinnie few tricks he can use in driving. Others already left with car. Avani and Amelia were filming stories on instagram of me teaching him how to drive a racing car. while Kio was filming with his camera. Fletchers were filming all of it too standing beside my alightly opened window.

I was laughing as so were others. It looked like father teaching his 16 year old daughter to drive.

"You put your hands on 11 and 3." - I said between laughs.

"I thought it was 9 and ?." - He finally got serious.

"You see, first mistake!" - I playfuly yelled and laughed after it.

"It's easier to turn steering wheel if you put it on 11 and 3, now let me teach you."

After few moments we finally get going to sway house. Currently we were on highway.

"You see, your problem is that you loose speed in turn. I noticed that on race two days ago. You are not breaking, you are just pressing gas. While you are turning car looses because you are turning him on side, and you are not even trying to step on breaks and get car in control." - I showed him how he should do it in one of turns.

"So I just need to switch from gas and break?" - He asked like he was really into it.

"Yeah, that's it."

After few minutes we got home and we didn't see others. We were faster on highway and there was probably traffic.

They came after few minutes and girls were staying over night. We filmed few more videos and me and Vinnie got up to his room.

He did not want to start live because who knows what will happened again.

He has already fallen asleep. And I know what happened when I fall asleep during night, but I decided to give it a shot. Because maybe nightmares are gone since it had been years.

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