40. you have to leave

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after few more seconds of standing like that i came back to real world. i pushed him slightly away from me and started controling my tears.

"i am sorry vin, but you have to leave" i did not dare to look him in eyes, and i don't know why. i was looking at something behind him.

"please.. you have to trust me on this one, look. i will make things work i'll do anything just please. give me one more chance" i heard his voice breaking, like he is about to cry.

"do you not see? we are toxic for each other vin, we affect one on another to much. you see how much you affected on me for just 3 months? what would it be if it was years or more?" i locked my eyes with him. tear fell down his face and his mouth slightly open.

he tried to say something but he couldn't. i don't even know how words got out of my mouth. who said i was gonna be this heartbroken? i never cried over a guy.

"vinnie i don't want to make things hard on both of us, i wish you all the best and nothing else." i got little closer to him. when he noticed myself close to him he lifted his head up.

"so please leave and make this easier." were my last words before tears started tracing drained paths of tears before.

"i am sorry" he took his shirt and opened door. he took one last look at me with eyes full of tears. he nodded biting his lip. "i really am." he closed the door.

what do i do now? he left, and i wanted him too. i let my walls down for him and he betrayed me. he tells me that he is sorry but my brain doesn't want to believe it. otherwise, my heart.. was telling me different.

i sat down on the floor facing window and leaning myself to bed. i decided to cry myself out now and never again.

i loved him. yeah, i never said that but he did gave me butterflies like no one before. i felt safe, warm. now everything is meaningless without him.

we met on streets. and i feel like they will always remind me of him. but at the same time they were my passion. speed was my passion.

i didn't care how much it hurted i will be back on track.

few hours passed and after i finished everything i had to i headed home. i took my car wich was behind hotel parked last night when josh drove me avani and amelie here.

i got home, i had few peresents in my arms other were in car. as soon as i opened door i was greeted with my familys worried looks.

josh immediately got from couch and went to me. it was obvious that i was crying, my eyes were red and i was still sobbing a little.

he putted his arms on my shoulder looking me directly in eyes, but my head was down. i dropped presents on the floor.

"what happened?" he asked me. my family came behind him looking at me.

"i fucking hate him." i started crying again. he pulled me in hug and i hugged him back. i was now crying in my chest.

after few seconds he pulled me out of the hug.

"i am going to kill him." he angrily started walking out of the house but i stopped him. "no please, i just want to forget everything." i took him by his arm pulling him back.

he calmed down and sighed. my mother hugged me tightly.

after hour of talking i took all my presents upstairs in my room, locked myself in and started opening them.

i came to one red little box. and on it was written 'for my angel' i already know who's was it. i couldn't stand but look up and try to control my tear once again.

i took deep breath before opening it. it was a golden promise ring with word 'angel' written on it. i closed box and putted it way. this hurted and i don't know why.

i heard a knock on the door and i wiped away tears from my face and calmed myself down. i opened door and there she was. standing with the biggest grin in the world. but it disappeared when she saw me.

"what happened?" she attempted to step in room but i started closing the door and she stopped them.

"oh i am sorry, did i kissed your boyfriend?" i mocked her. i was so angry at her whole time.

"so you know about it.." she quietly spoke. i could barely hear her.

"of course i know. how could i not? there is paparrazzi's all over the town." i yelled at her. i didn't feel sorry for her because she is the one who ruined me and him and she wanted it.

"you fucking ruined everything liz.. and how do you feel about it hmm?" she stayed quiet looking down at the floor. "meaningless i would say" i added and slamed door then locked them again.

week passed by now. why is it so hard to forget him. he's been on my mind whole past week.

i was on facetime with amelie or avani when they were in sway house but they say they never saw vinnie. and boys told me that he is in his room but they notice him going somewhere pretty late at night.

not every night but often.

past week was hell for me. and partly for my family. i lost my apetite and i didn't go anywhere.

lizzie also left back in new york. actually she left the following morning after our fight that day. and since that josh didn't leave my side. he was always there for me.

he would bring me food, we'll watch a movie and everything just to make me happy. his girlfriend is gonna be really happy, but none of them deserves him. everything was until...

i heard a knock on the door.


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