29. trust issues?

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liked by kiocyr, athenaa_ and 1,373,213 others

vinniehacker kind shitty night

view all 23,462 comments

user1 hot

user2 where's athena?
user3 yeah is she okay?
athenaa_ i'm fine now

user4 bruh ttr had full hands of job this night
user5 sadly as always
user6 fr they can't leave ppl to deal w their own problems

user7 heard athena kissed kio and cheated on vinnie
vinniehacker what? y'all calm down
user8 so it isn't true
user9 if is we would know sum
user10 agreed. don't make it more mess then it already is

oliviaponton lol ur bitch fine? she won't be
vinniehacker get out of my profile
athenaa_ chill olivia give me a day
user12 olivia and vinnie in one drama? didn't see that one coming
user13 neither did i..
user14 where is kio in all this bro?
user15 staying out of it until he needs to involve as he should
user16 fr

athenaa_ handsome <3
vinniehacker angel <3
user16 they're cute, no cap
user17 nahh his ex was better
user18 no-
user19 stop pls.


i meeeeeaaan comment weren't that bad. but i guess they were okay? but now it's morning, kio vinnie and i woke up and i made breakfast. lizzie still wasn't up..

i send some messages to josh this morning to see if he's doing okay but he still didn't responded.

while we were eating lizzie came down with her hand on head. yeah, i told her it would hurt.

"good morning" i said as she got into kitchen. she opened fridge and got a bottle of milk out of it.

"ugh it isn't good" she responded with furrowed eyebrows. boys were in silence. they remembered last night and all uncomortableness while she was down with them. their silence and looks down got lizzie supsuicious on something.

"alright what did i do?" she said after taking sip of milk from glass.

"well when i got downstairs you were sitting on them, then tried to pull yourself from floor by holding yourself by their pants then pulling vinnie down on you when you were laying" i explained. yup. they were still uncomfortable with that.

"well, last part would be funny if you weren't there" she mumbeled taking another sip.

"excuse me?" i left spoon in bowl turning to her with one raised eyebrow.

"did you not heard me or do i have to repeat?" she answered. i didn't expect her to act like this at all.

"i did heard you but that is really awful from you to say" i turned back to my breakfast.

"why?" she asked. there wasn't anything in her voice that would make me think that she was joking. she was dead serious.

"are you serious right now? he is my boyfriend." i answered to her question. i am pretty sure i didn't introduce him to her as my friend the day she came.

"and again. why does that bother you?" she continued. i sighed and rolled my eyes.

"i am not trying to get in fight with you or anything. but i feel uncomfortable as you are saying that. i think as her sister you should respect her" vinnie stepped in conversation.

"look who's getting in, mr. perfect?" she smirked at him leaning back on kitchen counters.

"you are impossible, you know that?" i turned to her once again and give her glance with fury and anger.

"whatever, i am going to gym" she left glass on counter and went upstairs. i shaked my head and continued to eat.

we talked for a bit when they decided to leave, they took their stuff and we were in living room. that's when lizzie came down.

"oh, right on time, can you leave me at gym?" she asked looking at them.

they both looked at me. i shrugged my shoulders knowing that vinnie isn't alone in car with her there was kio. yes, i did have trust issues but right now they are not that high.

"yeah sure" vinnie spooked and they left. okay.. as soon as that door closed, i feel insecurity.. i calmed myself down and decided to trust him. i took deep breath and cleaned house a little. i didn't have anything in plan so i went on instagram.

after few minutes of scrolling i got a notification. it was from bryce.

"hey, can you come to the sway house so we can talk about situation before few days. we really want to make things up with you because we all really like you. and before you say anything just know that none of us mean what olivia said. after that video last night, we wanted to make sure that you are okay and we want to be with you if anything more happens." he wrote. honestly, they gave me time and i respect that.

"hey bryce, yeah thank you for explaining and yeah i can come.. i will be there for 20 minutes." i wrote back. i wanted to make things up too.

i got up from couch and got ready. i still didn't got text from mechanic that car is fixed so i had to go with motorbike. i hope car will be done soon. i really miss the feeling of steering wheel under my hands.

i got there and i took off my helmet and brought it with me then knocked few times before door opened. bryce was the one who opened them.

"hi" i greeted and smiled awkwardly.

"hey, come in" he opened door and i went in.

in living room were blake, amelia, anthony and avani and addison was in kitchen.

they stood up from couch and addison came from kitchen. after calm conversation and long talk we made things up. everything was fine now.

"hey, is vinnie here?" i asked them. he and kio were supposted to come before me here.

"no, why?" blake said.

"well he and kio were sleeping over at my house and this morning when they were on their way out my sister asked them to drive her to the gym. but i guess they were meant to be here long ago."

as soon as i answered i got notification on my phone and i heard doorbell.


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