12. unexpected competitor

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As time passed, everyone is taking a few minute break to get ready for next race.

I was talking to some of my friends there Kio, Olivia and other girls came up to me. I could tell she didn't want to be here but in other hand she couldn't leave Kio alone. Especially with me after our hug. Big. Deal.

"Athena, can you please sign up for next race. Girls want to see you on race track and so do I." - Kio pleaded as Olivia was holding his hand and standing behind him.

"Yes we would love to see you!" - Adison added.

"Okay sure, I was bored anyway." - I responded to them as they looked happy. I love making people happy as long as it makes me happy. And I can tell racing is helping.

"Okay guys, time for next race.." - Jimmy said and all other people instead of my friend group went to tribunes. Vinnie was in the crowd with racers too. And again, standing close behind me.

"Who is volounteer for next race?" - Man asked what followed me raising my hand.

Everyone started cheering and yelling my name. I laughed at their reaction and winked at them then went up to stage.


"Oh my god, did you see that wink?" - Avani yelled.

"My sister is getting a boyfriend tonight I bet y'all guys." - Amelie laughed at her words.

"She is gonna win. Whoever she is racing.." - Kio nodded to boys and they gave same reaction.

Kio noticed something shrugged his arm, when he looked Olivia let go of his arm and started going towards stage.

"Olivia, where are you going?!" - Kio yelled at her.


"So, who is Athena's competitor?"- Jimmy asked and as we were looking at crowd we were interrupted by voice on their left.

"I am." - Recognizable voice yelled what caught attention. Olivia. what is she doing here?

"Ikay, I guess we have someone from tribunes, get up here!" - Jimmy yelled as she started going towards me.


"I am." - Olivia yelled.

"Kio you need to stop her, like now." - Blake said not turning his look from Olivia and Athena.

With no other word Kio and others started running towards her. He catched her before she got up to stage and turned her to himself.

"Are you out of your mind! You can't go on track with her!" - Kio yelled-whispered holding her shoulders to keep her focus on him..

"Why? Cause she is professional? Yeah I heard that! You can't stop me, I am doing this to prove to you that anyone can win againts her." - Olivia shouted to him but not loud. Enough loud so Kio and friend group can hear.

Olivia looked him dead in eyes and got up to stage.

"Dude, this is dangerous for her.." - Bryce said softly to Kio trying not to stress him even more.

"I hope she knows what is she doing but I am really mad at her now.." - Kio worriedly said turning to his friends.


Kio and others ran up to her. I didn't hear anything. They were probably trying to convince her to let go of this race and let someone other race.

After few seconds of their conversation, it seemed like they didn't have any success. She just walked up to me with death stare. I wasn't scared of her winning. I was scared about the fact that she is not professional racer and that something can go wrong.

I hope she knows how rough are these races. It's not just get in and drive fast. It's much more. It's about paying attention to everything possible. Not just on passing finish line.

When we got down from stage she went to Nick. probbaly to take his car in race. By the way she walked away towards cars it seemed like he gave her keys.

My thoughts were interrupted by Kio.

"Athena please-"

"Don't worry.. I know she is not racing type.. I won't go fast I'll keep myself beside her." - I said calmly interrupting him.

He let a sight of relief looking at floor. He thanked me. After he and friend group went to find Olivia, Vinnie walked up to me.

"I hope she knows what is she doing." - Vinnie said looking at direction our friend went.

"Me too.. Do you know how she drives?" - I asked looking at same direction.

"No sorry.. I've bever been in car with her."

After few more moments of talking I went to my car and straight to start line.

I was on her left side. On my side were people. I looked at her through window and I saw her tension. She was under big stress. I think she regrets her signing right now.

I looked on my left side to see Kio worriedly looking at me and Olivia. Vinnie was trying to calm him by holding him to shoulders standing behind him.

I rolled down my window and smiled.

"I promise, nothing will happen' to her, and I keep my promises" - Kio smiled at my words but I still felt same tension.

Then I closed my window but not fully. I felt some kind of stress too. I wanted air.

Woman came between our cars and showed..






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