39. from other perspective

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"do it one more time and see what happens.."

i know that voice.. vinnie. no other second lasted and i jumped out of bed making him wake up and open his eyes immediately.

i was still in my dress from last night. it was kind of uncomfortable to sleep in but i barely noticed.

"what the fuck are you doing here?" i yelled at him uncovering him up. yeah, he was in boxers. and only them.

"i slept here.." he sat up and looked at me dead in the eyes.

"why would you do that? were you thay much drunk that you forgot what you said and that we broke up?" i continued yelling. i was so pissed at him right now.

"i don't remember.." he made pause. "anything.."

"seriously? are you playing with me right now? you literally told me.." i cleared my throat "i quote, 'don't be mad they are better than you'" i looked him dead in the eyes.

"so you found out about emily and alexa.." he spoke lowering his head down.

"who the fuck is alexa now?" i started yelling even more. i couldn't take it anymore seriously.

"you said you know about them" he wasn't raising his  voice anymore at me. that was weird, last night he was the one who started yelling first.

"i know about my sister and that emily girl, but who is alexa now?" he stayed quiet. "vinnie?" my eyes started tearing at this point.

damn, this never happened to me.. not once, not twice but three times?

he raised his head as i called his name.

"get the hell out of this room and never ask for me again.." i almost wihspered, and my voice started breaking.


"no, athena.. i am sorry, okay? i am.. i really don't remember thing i said last night or what we did.. last thing i remember is that i brought you here.. i don't remember single word i spoke to anyone.. i swear." i defended myself.

yes it's truth.. i did cheat on athena.. three times what is impossible to forgive but i have to try.. she is the best thing that happened to me in past 3 months.

i cheated because i was drunk.. i was at a lot of the parties last few months.. i obviously don't remember them all.. i wonder what things i said to the people.

did i say something bad about athena? did she found out? how did that girls got me drunk? i remember their names because i was at their parties.. i mean alexa's and emily's.. they are my childhood friends.

but for lizzie.. i just kissed her.. once.. and it was accident.


"hey man imma be back i just need to take some food i ordered before few minutes." kio spoke and opened the door of the car.

"okay, i'll wait here.." i pulled my phone out and scrolled through instagram and some other social medias.

"i will go out now, i'll walk to the gym, it's not that far actually.." i heard lizzie beside me. i turned to look at her and greet her but she is the one who kissed me. and she was the one too close to my face.

i putted hand on her chest and pushed her back.

"you're awful person.." i said to her. and i meant that. i am her sister's boyfriend.

"nah.. i heard worse nicknames.. kiss kiss my love" with that she left car. i stayed in same position because of the shock i was in. i am definetly not telling anyhting to athena.. yet.. i need to tell her but not now..

*end of flashback*

and with alexa and emily? i just make out with them, i mean only alexa. it was about 20 minutes make out. but i never slept with any of them and i am not one who can confirm that. i said i barely remember.

but my friends can. they were near me and they were the one who would pull the girls off me and drive me home.

"so you were the one who brought me here?" she asked confusingly. her eyes were getting watery and i felt so bad because of that. i am the reason girl i love the most is crying right now. i hate myself for that.

"yes, i remember that because every moment with you it's worth of remembering." i meant that. from now on i am speaking only truth to her. i got up from bed and got closer to her.

when our faces were little close.. not too much she looked me up with more tears and stepoed back.

"athena, i swear everything that i said.. i didn't meant it.. i don't know what do you want me to do. what will make you blieve me that i actually love you?" i almost whispered.

"you can't do nothing anymore.. you've done enough shit for these 3 months.." her voice broke once again making me even more sad.

"why, why wouldn't you trust me for onc-"

"trust you? i gave you all my loyalty and this is what i get back from being loyal and not sleeping with some girls around.." she interrupted and yelled at me with power in her voice.

i saw how much angry and sad i made her. i felt so bad.

"i didn't sleep with them.. we hooked up-" she interrupted me once again

"yeah like that's bett-" but i interrupted her with yell. "just listen to me once for God sake!" now i am angry. but not at her.. at myself.

"i hooked up with them" as i started talking and she opened her mouth to say something "i need to explain.." i rased my voice yet again at the beginning of the sentance.

"i did that.. okay.. yes i did.. but first off.. your sister kissed me, i did not kiss her.. she was awfuly treating me and you as a couple that morning and i admit.. i hated her because of that.." she was looking at me. i could tell she was just waiting for me to finish so she can yell at me.

"emily and alexa are my childhood friends.. and they organized birthday party for their birthdays..i didn't make out with both of them..only with alexa, i don't know if i said anything about emily last night but it's not true i am 100% true i didn't do anything with her more than a hug. and for alexa.. i don't know, i got drunk or something and she looks like you, she has your hight, type of hair and lips.. and i thought it was you, whole time i thought it was you until my friends explained that it wasn't. i was calling her by your name." i explained.


he explained situation. something about all of it just tells me to move and find someone else but other part tells me to stay and believe him, because he made past 3 months light up in my life. and those nightmares are gone when he is around.

"why did you do that? you promised you wouldn't hurt me" i started crying.

this is the second time a guy made me cry.

first time was in third grade when boy hitted me with shovel on head.. don't ask how thay happened, it's not right time to explain it right now. it doesn't fit in.

i looked down and i felt embarrassed. what if he tells everyone that i am a crybaby? i would be so ashamed.

"i am sorry.. and i don't blame you at all. it's my fault.." he made a pause.. "sorry that i broke promise" he practicaly whispered coming closer to me then pulling his hands strongly around me.

i felt warmth of his body. even if he was half naked his body was warm. i was vurnelable in this situation so i just stayed like that. not hugging him back. just looking down with my head on his chest and crying like a baby.



what do y'all think now?

will she get back ti him? or not?

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