4. live stream

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I was speeding up a little but not too much because it was regular road and there were people driving even if it was midnight.

They were saying where to turn and when we got there I parked my car in font, and Vinnie did too, then we all get out of the car and got in house.

They were all screaming in camera about how ride felt. I walked in house before Vinnie and when he walked in he closed the door.

One boy came downstairs and looked at them.

"Why are y'all screaming- Athena fucking Robbins?!" - Then he yelled my name.

"Dude, we got the ride in her car!" - Anthony yelled at the boy.

"Now I feel guilty for not going.. Hi I am Kio." - He got up to me and putted his hand out to shake mine.

"Nice to meet you" - I hugged him instead.

When I let go of him he froze, he didn't even move. Cameras were on him. Bryce got the camera into his face.

"Earth to Kio!" -  Blake yelled and Kio just laughed and moved.

"Dude, Athena Robbins just hugged me!" - He turned to the camerad with big smile on his face.

I laughed at his reaction. We all talked a little bit more and filmed only one video. We decided to film few tomorrow and then again when I finish my photoshoot I'll go to my house and take some clothes so I can again sleep there and to finish other videos.

"Okay so, where will I sleep" - It was around 1am, I wasn't sleepy I just wanted to lay down.

"Well, we don't have guest rooms, and we all have girlfriends." - Bryce said guilty.

"But Vinnie doesn't." - Kio said from the couch.

"Yeah, do you mind sleeping in Vinnie's room?" - Bryce asked me.

"Nah, I mean if it's okay with him."

"Why would it not be okay, you are freaking Athena Robbins." - Blake added

"Okay stop saying that." - I said and they laughed.

Kio showed me his room and he left. Then I knocked few times.

"Come in." - I heard voice from inside of the room. I got in.

"Bryce said that I could sleep here and that they all have girlfriends and no guest rooms." - I walked in still standing by the door.

"I swear i'll kill him, but okay fine. But i'll start live stream right now because I can't sleep so if that is okay with you?" - He asked sitting in his chair by his gaming table.

"Of course it is, I am not sleepy either so go on." I said and sat on his bed and texted my mom so she won't be worried.

"And you can take some shirts and sleep because sure I am going to sleep before 4am." -  He said not turning around typing and doing something for his live stream.

I looked at him confusedly."Why are you all suddenly so good towards me?" - I asked him.

"What do you mean, I am being nice person you should enjoy, my behaviour isn't always like this." - He still didn't turn around.

I took some random shirt then I got in the bathroom so I can change. I was there a little longer because something on phone caught my eye.

I go out and he started talking a little loud. I could tell he started streaming. I walked by and lay on bed turning my back to him.

I got on my phone so I decided to install tiktok. I had it but I deleted it because it was dragging me from all my tasks.

I logged into my old account and just go through fyp.

After few minutes my eyes felt heavy but I know what happens when I sleep at night so I tried my best to stay awake but it didn't work.

Last thing I heard was Vinnie's voice saying to his live "None of your business, give me some privacy men."

Then I closed my eyes not turing off my phone, but I was sort of awake.

Vinnie POV

"Yeah, I think i will." -  I responded to some of questions in chat.

I got my headphones off and started hearing the same sound from somewhere. I turned to see light from Athena's phone. I got up and go to her side of the bed.

I looked at her and notice that she was a sleep, and I took her phone to turn it off. As soon as I put phone at night table she woke up.

Athena POV

I notice that all of sudden was quiet. I woke up to see Vinnie putting my phone on night table.

"Did I wake you?" - He said quietly still looking down at me.

"No, I was just resting eyes I wasn't a sleep." - I said and got up. "Have you ended your live stream?" - It was around 3am.

"No, but I am going now. Do you want to go get snack with me downstairs?" - He asked as he got to the table and sat again by the table.

"Yeah, I would like to." - I got up and rubbed my eyes.

"Okay." - He turned to his computer. "Guys imma head out, I'll probably stream again tomorrow but I am not promising anyhting."

I walked up to the computer and get on the level on camera and computer and placed my right hand on chair. "Bye guys, even if I wasn't here for whole live stream."

I said and Vinnie laughed. "Okay, bye guys." He turned off camera and computer then he took his phone and we headed downatairs.

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