11. bet

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That night I wasn't sleeping I was afraid that nightnares are back. I didn't give it a shot so I just stayed all night awake finishing my room.


The day went boring too, as always, and then I got a call from Bryce.

"Hey Athena, you home?" - He asked and I could tell he was walking around the house by the noises.

"Yeah, why?"

"I found out there is another racing event tonight at 7pm, my friends and girls will be there, you want to come?"

"Yeah, sure.. I'll come to Sway earlier so we can go together."

"Cool, see ya tonight then."

"See ya."

I hang up and get up to take a shower. After, I dressed myself in shorts and oversized shirt I put my hair in ponytail then left the house telling my parents that I'll not stay long.

I rang on doorbell, and Kio opened.

"Hi." - I remember that his girlfriend was jealous of me hugging him and Bryce told me that girls will be here I just decided to greet him.

"Hi, come in.." - He pointed with his arm for me to come in.

The ones who were going were Blake, Amelia, Bryce, Addison, Anthony, Avani, Kio, Olivia and Vinnie. I don't know where Josh and Nessa are.

I greeted all of then then noticed one guy who I didn't meet.

"Hey, we didn't meet, I am Athena" - I say putting my hand out to shake his.

"Of course I know who you are, I am Nick, big fan by the way." - He smiled and shook my hand after what I hugged him. I was hoping he didn't have jealous girlfriend.

After talking a little bit, we decided to go with mine, Vinnie's and Nick's car. So there won't be sitting in each others laps. In my car were Kio, Avani, Amelie and Blake.

When we got out I saw Nick walking to his car.

"Audi r8 nice choice.. You plan on racing?" - I asked when I got to him.

"I don't know I'll see" - He smiled again. And I returned. When he got in car Vinnie came up to me.

"Hey softie."

"Ugh, if I win any race tonight, can you stop calling me softie." - He sounded bored by words.

"Okay, bet. If you win any race tonight, I'll stop calling you softie." - I turned to him while telling him our bet.

"Thank you."- He let sight of relief what made me laugh, and him as well.

When we arrived we parked our cars and went to group of people. Race was on track that wasn't that big, you could clearly see whole path and what is happening. It's just few minutes long.

I knew that track. So it's for sure. If I race tonight I win.

We were walking towards group of people when I heard men yell "Yo people, Athena Robbins is here!" - And again, everyone started yelling and cheering.

"Looks like you are popular here" - Nick whispered me in ear.

"I know this track. I practically started my career here." - I give him information back and he nodded.

After half hour man got up to the stage. I knew him. He was the men who stood there when I first signed and won my first race. His name was Jimmy.

"Okay people, let's start!" - He yelled in microphone and everyone who didn't sign for race at entrance got on tribunes. From our friend group just me and Vinnie stayed. I am the only woman there. But that didn't bother ne.

Vinnie stood close behind me. I could feel his presence on my neck. He stood there like he wanted to protect me from all men around.

"Let's see, who is our first racer tonight." - Jimmy looked at us and the second after men raised his hand.

"We got our first racer, come up here!" - Jimmy said and guy climbed up to little stage. I knew him. His name was Tyler. I was racing him on track before few months. I won, of course.

"The other one?" - Jimmy asked. I wanted to see if he is still that old Tyler or he changed. So I raised my hand. But I felt movement behind me. Vinnie rised his hand too. We looked each other in eyes.

"Who is it gonna be, Athena or guy behind her?" - Jimmy asked the crowd on tribunes and everyone started yelling my name.


"Oh please be Athena! I want to see her kick his ass." - Kio yelled and Olivia looked at him in disappointment.

"I want to see her race, I never saw her on race track." - Avani said and girls agreed to her words.


I heard people yelling my name. Vinnie didn't look mad or anything. He was about to give me this race.

But then I climbed at the stage and took microphone from Jimmy. Everyone though I was going to race.

"Guys calm down." - Whole crowd went silent. "I am gonna let this race to Vinnie" - I pointed at Vinnie. "Me and Tyler already had race and I kicked his ass." - As I said that whole crowd again started yelling and going "uuu".


"Oh that's Tyler Finnman!" - Blake said in shock.

"The one who was racing with her when she passed finish line twice while he did once!" - Bryce said excitedly.

"Dude, her best race! I sign that. The way she looked at camera after she won is magical" - Kio added.


Our friend group wasn't at the tribunes. They were down where cars were. You can be there as long as you are not standing on path and as long as you are friends with some of races. You can be there for support.

I gave race to Vinnie and he got to his car with all of us surrounding him.

When he got on starting line I went up to his window.

"Remember what I said to you, where do you put your hands and when are you breaking.."

"I remember, and do you remember our bet?" - He asked with slight smile.

"Okay, softie I won't call you that if you win this one, but just to remind you, he is easy race. I passed finish line twice while he did once. It's not that big deal if you win, but it is if you lose. So watch out and follow what I told you." - I got to others and race started.

I notice that he was following my leads. and after few minutes he passed finish line first.

We went up to him.

"Well, Vinnie.." - I made a pause "Looks like you won.. Congrats" - He smiled at my words and hugged me as I hugged him back.

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