33. planned

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it is really early in the morning. 7am. i went to shower because i smell on alcohol. after i showered i made myself breakfast.

while eating i was texting with my brother. i don't know why is he up so early, but he is. they said they'll come home day before my birthday, and that he feels better than the other night.

that means i need help for organizing everything. i decided to wait few hours. i just know avani and amelia are not up yet.

i will ask them to help me with birthday organization. i am sure they will accept. after waiting i washed dishes and took laptop to find perfect hotel for renting.

i found one. it is perfect. the westin bonaventure hotel. it looks really nice. just what i am searching for.

i found the number and i called hotel. i reservated it for september 16th at 7pm. they said i can come today to see place better and say how many guests will be there.

i started to make a list of guests. after 45 minutes i finally have list. 120 guests, wow. i didn't even know i had that much friends. but i decided to call them before i go to the hotel because i wanna know how many of them are coming.

after an hour of calls i finished it. only 6 of them can't come. they have school or they are not in town. but still 114 guests. part of the year. (there is no covid in this story)

next 3 hours i was doing nothing special. choosing dress for party mostly. i went to every site and shop online and i finally found perfect one.

i got notification from avani that they are up. i texted that i am coming in few minutes. i am about to tell them everything i planned.

lizzie wasn't up yet. and i didn't care. i took my motorbike and went to her house. passing by sway, i saw vinnie's car in same spot as this morning. he still didn't text me. two days? what is happening?

i got to avani's house and because it was unlocked i get in. i laughed when i saw them sitting in kitchen and eating. they just woke up and by their looks i could tell they regreted drinking.

"how did you get up before us?" amelie said earing cereal.

"long story, but more important is.. i have almost everything ready for my birthday party.." i excitedly said sitting on other side of table facing them. i brought my laptop with me so i can show them.

"uuu spill" avani added and her moode changed on good as amelie's did too.

"this is hotel i rented this morning for september 16th  at 7pm." i turned laptop to them and their eyes widened at sight of it.

"that looks so nice" amelie shouted with half full mouth.

"it is amazing" avani added and i smirked at their reaction.

"there will be 114 guests.. counting you two i called them all this is morning. all of them are my friends from childhood and my few favourite cousins."

"114?" avani's mouth dropped at the number.

"this is gonna be party of the year!" amelie excitedly said jumping in her chair.

"well that is my plan for this. to make it unforgetable." i turned laptop back to me to find dress i bought and is coming in two days.

"do you have theme?" avani asked continuing to eat her cereal.

"well, kind of. i want name of it to be "greek gala" so everything will be fancy and shit like that. but they don't have to dress up as greek gods, just men would wear suits and womans like long dresses but not big ones.. you get it?" i explained.

"this is for sure party of the year.." avani shook her head and looked away.

"and this is dress.. but don't tell anyone. you are the only persons who are gonna see it." i turned laptop back at them and showed them dress.

"you are even gonna look like greek goddess in that!" amelie shouted again.

"it looks so amazing. i need to find something like that too" avani added.

"thank you, but i need help from you two. i need to go to the hotel today and chek on place, wanna come with me?" i asked closing laptop and putting it back in bag.

"only if you come with us today to choose dresses.." avani teased.

"sure i will, i will probably buy some decorations as well.." i made a pause. "oh and, i didn't call anyone from sway.. so without them is 114 guests, i need to go there before i go tot he hotel because i need that information" i added.

"for sure just wait for me to dress up and i am ready." avani said getting up.

"my chlotes are at sway in blake's room." amelie spoke up.

"come one i'll drive you there and we'll wait there for avani to come then i am sure you will be ready by that time." i explained and they agreed with my plan. i had one more helmet so amelie putted it on.

we drived to the sway and finally got there. she was still in her pj's with her hair like a mess.

she just walked in and i did that too after her.

vinnie's car was there. that means i have to act all natural. i really want to know if he'll tell me.

"what's up?" bryce shouted from couch. with him were blake, anthony and.. vinnie. wow.. long time no see.

blake kissed amelie as she sat beside him. i went to vinnie and he opened his arms for me to sit on his lap. as i said. i will act like i don't know anything.
i sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. i smiled.

"i am actually here to ask y'all something.." i started. i explained about my birthday and boys agreed. 4 more guests what means 118. only addison, nessa, josh are left to ask.

i texted them and in meantime they answered and wrote that they will come, 121 guests. btw i didn't write them down on list because i don't need to call them i would probably hung out with them by the time of my birthday, so i could ask them.

after few minutes amelie was ready and avani came. we were planning on going with avani's car. mine is still fixing.

we were about to leave but vinnie stopped me on door.

"hey, is everything okay?" he asked leaning on door frame.

"yeah, why?" i turned to him.

"i don't know, you act like something happened. you weren't like this before 2 days." he continued.

that just brought all things that happened in last 2 days.

"yeah i am fine. i am just really tired last few days" i lied. i am not fine. how could i be. maybe i am acting normal but these last few minutes spended with him i wanted to scream at him so bad. i was really pissed at him.

"okay then. i'll text you tonight." he said going back in house. i hope you will.

"alright." i replied and turned to avani and amelie who were standing by car. looking at me like with disappointed look. i let out sight of relief and stopped pretending then went to car

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