46. 'till death apart us' - last chapter

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he came back shortly after. i raised my head with mouth full of food. he laughed at look at me before saying anything. 

"what did they say?" i asked swallowing food.

"you can't go out, they say it's too much risk." he saddly said. you could hear pain in his voice. for what i don't know. is it because we can't go out or is it because i am gonna die soon. is he sad because we didn't have enoigh time? he didn't have eough time to make things up. that was the problem.

"well, i'll take the risk." i answered. and i wanted that honestly. it was my last wish i thought they would let me.

"they say they can't because you're family would sue them and they won't take any risk. i've tried trust me but they won't let you." he finished. i felt bad. really bad. 

"you know, fuck it. if this is my last week like alive person i'm gonna do this." i sighed and he looked me confusedly furrowing his eyebrows. 

"i love you. yes i said it before but i didn't want to admit it. i was fucking desprate because those words really hurted me. i felt like i did something that made you act like it. and whole cheating stuff made me think that i wasn't enough. that you wanted more than i could give you. but i give you another chance. i give us another chance." i said what has been on my mind for last couple of hours. and i trully didn't want to get rejected because i barely tell somoene how i feel this deeply.

"you really want that-" he said in disbelief. 

"why do you sound like you don't want it." i asked getting scared and worried a little. 

"no, i want this but.." he stopped to process everything. "it feels unreal, like it's not you who is saying this." he finished words. 

"but i do. and i know why it feels unreal, i am gonna die for less than a week and by that i want to be with you, sounds like i am gonna use you but i tr-" 

"i know love, i know that you don't want that. but i sure do want to give us another chance, and i feel like you are gonna get more than a week of life. i imagine us with three kids running around the house chasing each one of them and then when night comes and kids go to sleep we will get some time for ourselves." he interrupted me. i felt myself getting weaker and more sleepy. i wanted to fall in deep long sleep with his voice.


"tell me more.." she weakly said. her smile, lightened my whole day. she looked perfect, and i am still suprised by what she said that she wanted, i thought she would never forgive me. but God hides wonders and waits for perfect time. 

i smiled imagining more. "then we would have dates and long nights with wine. we would go on vacation with kids and watch them from beach while they are swimming and playing with other children. your brother would be the cool uncle, he would be the one who takes care for them while we are out and kio will be with him. the cool uncles. i am imagining their birthday parties and how would you plan everything perfectly. and i won't forget our wedding day.." i made a pause to hold in tears that i felt coming up.

"i will be standing by the oltar and when i would turn around, you will be standing there in white big dress, you've always dreamed of." she smiled at imagining while she slowly started closing her eyes. i wanted her to fall asleep and to have some rest, it's been a rough day.

"you will be the most beautiful bride world and internet has ever seen. and i would be the luckiest man, and i am now. with you by my side. and when you walk down the aisle while your brother will be walking beside you letting you to me we will say our magical words that will make us nothing much closer than we were because those words don't mean anything, but you do... athena. and when we say 'till the death apart us' you will be mine... forever." 

"till death apart us" she said closing her eyes. i smiled before i heard sharp noise in my ears coming from her machines that were detecting her heartbeat wich was slowing down. i started to panic. 

i pushed button beside her bed ten times waiting for doctors or someone to come in. 

"no" i barely could control my eyes. "you can't leave me athena.. you can't leave me now, come on." tears started running down from my face. i was holding her hand thightly while she had her head slightly turned to me. but her eyes never opening. 

doctors rushed in making loud noises yelling around and trying to apart me from her. i didn't want to let her go, i already did once. and as it seems second time.

they dragged me out of the room and closed door. i tried to look through the window in hallway but i couldn't see her because of them. i started panicking even more. i walked around holding my head in my hands not accepting the fact that i may never see her again. it hurted me deep into soul. 

her shining brown eyes, gone. her perfect smile, gone. her soft lips, gone. she.... gone. 

it hurted so much, more than i thought would ever hurt. 

after few seconds yelling stopped and i rushed throught the door seeing doctors standing silently, surrounding her bed. one of them looked at his clock. "time of death... 8:27" they started leaving room one by one passing by me..

'time of death 8:27' those words repeating in my head. i went over to bed and kneeled. i was shocked, still processing everything. she left. she left me here alone. i didn't have anyone to open up to like i had her. 

i held her hand in mines and cried realizing i will never see her again. maybe in another world. but maybe...

we didn't have enough time...



well.... that was, rollercoaster of emotions..

sooo.... this is where we say our goodbye...

i wanted to say big thank you to everyone who came to here . this is my first book and every vote, every comment and every reader meant to me much more than you think it means. 

i really hope that you liked the book (ending is not the most dreamy) because i putted so much hard work in it. 

as i say it is my first book but i sure will be making new book very soon. 

i really hope that we are gonna see each other in another book and that you'll like it. i will post here as a new chapter when i publish new book.

the name of next book is "Alexander" and trust me it will be better written than this one. 

Thank you all, I love you all so much and see you another time.. 

                                                                                                           Love, Arma <3

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