20. lake

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"comments are already going wild" he chuckeled through words.

i smile at him then fill our glasses with wine. it was so quiet. so peaceful. i took off towel around me. he didn't stare at me like some guys. he smiled looking me in eyes.

i went in hot tub sitting next to him with glass of wine. he putted his arm around me and we sat and talked like that for 2 hours. it was amazing.

currently was 11pm and we were both tired. wine made us sleepy plus whole drive today exhausted us. but it was good spending time with someone you love.

we went upstairs and changed in pj's really slow because we were so tired. we quickly brushed our teeth and i already had my make up off.


i woke up around 10am. i looked at vinnie. he slept like he was running whole day. i decided not to wake him up. i got dressed and did everything i need in bathroom then went downstairs.

i had dished from last night so i decided to do it and after i made myself a coffe. i decided i am going to suprise vinnie with breakfast and cup of coffe.

i don't know what he loves but i make panckakes. everyone loves panckakes.

right now it was 11am. time to wake him up. i got everything and went up. i putted food and drink on table beside.

"vin.. come one time to wake up." i softly said. he noticed that i was close to his face so he smiled before opening eyes.

i smiled back and he turned to lay on his back then he rubbed his eyes.

"i made brekfast" i happily said making him immediately open his eyes. he saw plate of panckakes and coffe. i smiled at him.

"when did you made this?" he asked sitting up and taking plate in his lap.

"i woke up before and hour. i didn't want to wake you so i washed dishes from last night, make myself a coffe then made you this" i was now sitting beside him.

he kissed me before he took a bite. "you are the best."

"eat, then get ready i'll pack bags for lake today" i kissed his forehead and started packing towels and everything we needed. 

he finsihed breakfast and wahed his dishes then went up to get ready. i waited for him in living room checking comments on his last tiktok. no one noticed  my hot tub. well it's not that i bring many famous people here.

he got downstairs and we started walking towards lake. it was 10 minutes walking from here. it was 12pm and it was pretty hot outside. but trees on sides of path helped.

it was really nice walk. we had good conversation. we were enjoying at this. i knew we both would need this kind on vacation.

when we got there he immediately got his shirt off. he was already in shorts for swimming so he jumped.

i laughed at him and putted bag down taking my chlotes off. he looked at me.

"jump" he yelled from water. i ran and jumped in water.

i swimmed to him then looked at him. he smiled and i smiled back. i wraped my arms around his neck. i felt his hands going to my thights signaling me that he want me to wrap my legs around his torso. and i did. he held me.

our look got more serious. we leaned in. but sound in high grass interrupted us. we both got our looks there.

it were kids. 2 eight year old kids with their parents following them behind. me and vinnie were still holding each other close but we didn't got our looks of people.

he rolled his eyes and looked up. i laughed at his reaction.

"hey mr. and mrs. smith" i smiled at them. i knew them because the nearest house from ours is theirs.

i noticed mrs. smith putted their bags near our stuff.

"hey athena, how are you?" she asked.

"good, thanks for asking" me and vinnie were still in same position.

"are you here with your parents and brother?" mr. smith asked me standing near mrs. smith. kids were already taking their chlotes off. both of them were boys.

"no, i am here with my boyfriend alone" vinnie looked at me with smile after my words.

"i hope you two are having good time" she added.

"we are" vinnie spoke up then he turned to me "we were" he quietly added making me laugh.

after half i went out of water. mr. and mrs. smith were sitting on their towels near ours' watching their kids in water.

i wraped other towel around me while i was sitting on other one.

"looks like you've got good one" mr. smith said making my attention turn to vinnie. he was sitting with kids where water wasn't deep. enough for them to sit in it. he was learning one of them to swim while other one watched and waited for his turn.

vinnie's smile was precious. the way he looked at kids and how he was making them laugh made my heart skip.

i smiled at them.

"looks like i chose good option" when i say i chosed good option i mean on that night we kissed in my house. i said i wanted to be something more with him. even if i wasn't sure. now i am. i wasn't wrong.



thank you all for 300 readers! i am so happy rn!!

thank you for every support on this story!

be ready for much moreee dramaaa i saved best for end!!!

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