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We headed downstairs and got in kitchen. He turned on the light and took some snacks. We were on phones, and then he said something what made us both laugh.

I started choking on the food and I started coughing. He got for glass of water and I took it but it didn't helped.

He turned me around and started pressing my stomach so I can spit out the food. And i did. I was catching breath and he had his arms slightly around my waist.

"Are you okay?" - He asked

"Yeah, thank you." - I said taking deep breaths.

"Uh.. yeah?" -  Kio said standing by the stairs and beside him was everyone else. When we realized we let go of each other.

"What are y'all doing up?" - Vinnie asked.

"We heard her coughing so we thought something was wrong." - Bryce said with barely opened eyes.

"We got down for some snacks and I started choking with food." - I explained to them as they shared few looks between them.

"Perverts." - Vinnie said as they got up back to their rooms.

I laughed. "Well thank you, really.."

"You're welcome." - He got up to his room and after few minutes I did too.

I entered and he was barely on the bed leaving me space. I just putted few pillows between us and turned on the other side.

Only few hourse until sunrise and I'll go home then sleep until photoshoot.

Only my family knows why I can't sleep at night, only across the day. No one else knows. And I am not planning on telling anyone who isn't close with me.

When I hear that he snored a little I laughed a little. I got up and opened the window and standed by it.

I was looking at city, it was pretty. Now it's almost 4am. I don't know when are they waking up, but I was planning on leaving in 8am because my dad goes to the work at 8am and he'll leave me house unlocked.

I heard something and I looked at Vinnie who was turning on the side to face me.

I was looking at him for few seconds then I realized I was starring and I just shook my head and turned to the window again.

I putted out my phone and got on my last picture on instagram because I was getting a lot of comments on it.

[user256 this is her the girl from vinnie's live
[random12 stay away from him hoe
[user16 you don't have chance, stop trying🙄
[randomm what does vinnie see in her?
[user1682 stay away from vinnie, i swear if you try anything i'll kill you
[random_19 kill yourself bitch

I starred at these comments in disbelief. Why would people say those things I didn't do anything. I just said goodbye and nothing else.

I was thinking of going on Vinnies profile and go on his last post to see if he gets comments like this.

[vinnie__h vinnie who was that bitch on your live
   [user23 @athenaa_ 
   [randomm21 didn't she broke up with her boyfriend few days ago?
   [user21 yeah, she did.. she is hoe, she wants him for clout i bet
[userr vinnie what do you see in her?

Yep, same comments. I didn't want to give them attention so i just ignored. I took a photo of city and posted it on story

After just few minutes my phone keeps ringing becasue of the replies and all messages. I tried to turn it off before it wake up Vinnie. But it was too late.

"What is going on with your phone?" - He asked in his sleepy voice.

"I couldn't sleep and I decided to sit by window admiring the look and I posted it on instagram. Now your obsessive fans are sending me threat messages. And on on our last posts on instagram are just wow." - I said a little loud because I was pissed.

"God not again.." - He buried his face in pillow.

"What, this happened already?" -  I asked seeing his reaction.

"That's why I broke up with my girlfriend. She couldn't take hate and we broke up because of her own safety." - He said raising up his head.

"We are not even dating, we know each other for literally one night.." - I said and he didn't respond.

"I am sorry for you and your girlfriend." - I was feeling guilty.

"There is nothing you should be sorry about.. I need to apologize because I can't say to people to stop. Even if they love me I love them too but they will do this to every girl I am with. It doesn't matter if it's a relationship or just friendship." -  I could hear guilt in his voice as he sat on the bed looking down.

Currently was 8am. We barely slept. Since he woke up we were talking. And I now know why he looks mad all the time. He isn't. He is just occupied by a lot of things. And I felt bad for him and for what he had been through.

We got downstairs before everyone and decided to make a breakfast for everyone. After an hour Bryce, Blake and Kio headed down. Josh and Anthony were still upstairs.

We had breakfast and I headed home. I was on bed a little then I got up and shower and started getting ready for photoshoot.

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