35. little argument

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"nah, you know.. long night.." she closed her eyes and layed on couch.

"where were you?" i asked crossing my arms and standing infornt of her.

"with friend.." she didn't move.

"seems like you had fun with your "friend" i walked away in my room. was she with vinnie last night? is she reason he didn't text me.

how does she have his number? bruh, they hated each other the morning after kio and vinnie slept at my house.

finally. time to go pick up a car. for a little gasoline to fire i decided to ask kio to go with me maybe go get food.

i walked slowly. peace. no paparrazzi's or anyone who would bother me.

when i came infront of his workshop i saw him in garage doing other car while mine was outside. alex then noticed me.

"hey.. you came alone?" he left his towel after he cleaned sweat from his forhead.

"yeah, everyone was busy and i really needed some time alone" i came up to him.

he turned to look at my car. "fixed, washed and
polished." he smiled.

"you didn't have to polish or wash him, but thank you." i thanked as he handed me the keys and i went to car.

"nah, i wanted to do something nice for you.." after a few minutes i payed him and i went straight to sway.

i missed this car. it was only thing that will calm me.

i pulled up to sway. vinnie's car was there. but all of the boys were outside of the hose. in fact, i pulled up and parked car infront of them.

i went out and closed door.

"heyy car is back" blake said and went up to me.

"yeah, trust me i waited for this since i gave him to alex." i greeted everyone. and that everyone were blake, bryce, josh, anthony, kio and vinnie.

"who's alex?" vinnie asked as he was next and last in line to hug and greet.

"my mechanic.. don't tell me you are being jealous.." i kissed him before i pulled him in hug saying words behind his shoulder.

i found it really ironic. he was the one who cheated after all.

"i am not.. i just didn't know who he is, maybe the member of family i didn't met." he added as we both pulled out of the hug.

"well who do you want to meet? my sister already has problem with you.." i furrowed my eyebrows. i wondered what he'll do if i mention my sister, so i did.

"yeah, your sister.." vinnie paused. "is she gonna be on your birthday party?" he asked kind of unsurely. i don't know how to describe it. like he was scared to mention her.

"i mean, yeah she is my sister after all" i smiled and he smiled too. but i know fake smiles. i am good at reading people and their faces.

that helped me a lot of times and now, his "smile" is betraying him. he is scared to ask anything about lizzie.

"oh and i came for you kio, do you want to go get lunch or something?" i turned to kio and vinnie made confused face. i could tell kio was suprised too. his eyes widened at my questions.

"you have me?" vinnie spoke. i turned to him with smile. "yeah, but you have been busy i see. you didn't text me last night when you said you will.." i confronted him.

he sighed and closed his eyes. "don't tell me you are mad about that.. i was busy.." he looked at me.

i blinked few times before responding "of course, why would i be mad.. you told me you will text me and you didn't.. what occupied you that much that you couldn't send fucking message?" i started getting mad as i stepped back of him.

"i had to do something.. okay? it's my thing.." he shouted back stepping closer to me.

"listen, i don't want to fight with you right now. i am just mad that you didn't text me after you said you will!" i wanted to make things up before my birthday.

after few seconds of conversation we made things up and we did. in my mind, i didn't forgive him.. AT ALL.

"kio, you want to go?" i asked him again since he didn't answered first time.

"i mean, yeah sure.. why not?" he went up to the house, took his wallet and we said bye to others and got in car. i catched vinnie's look fron the corner of my eye. he was mad. as hell mad.

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