45. "i will"

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"a week?" i repeated after her making sure i heard it right.

"if we don't find a donor." she repeated. "with all respect, you already said that three times. people need heart to live. don't say it like it's that simple doctor. who is gonna give their life for me?" i was getting pissed as you can see.

"i will." vinnie spoke. he was unsure i can hear it on his voice. whole room turned to his direction but only our eyes were locked. we were looking deep into each others eyes. he was scared.

"no you won't." i denied. i wouldn't let somebody close to me do this for me. yet, i didn't want anyone to give their life for me.

"athena let me-" he tried talking but i interrupted him as i rise my voice. "vinnie, i won't let anyone give their  life for me. nor someone close to me." he starred at me with confused look. neither did he knew what he wanted.

"i'll do it and you-"

"what, i can't stop you? vinnie, if you give me your heart i won't sign the surgery. it would be loss for both of us. if one of us can live then, it's better than none." once again i interrupted him and he stayed quiet.

"in that case, i am sorry then. but we'll still try." doctor said before she left room leaving us in silence.

my mother came up to me.

"darling, please. i'll do it. please, you deserve to li-"

"mom, no! i said what i had to say, it's my descision and you can't tell me othervise. i am sorry i get it, but you'll get over it." i didn't want anyone to say something about heart surgery more.

it was around 7pm and it was raining outside. my parents and brother left before half hour, they have some jobs to do. and my friends left too, i told them to go.

they wanted to stay but i refused. all of them had their lives to care about. mine is gonna end pretty soon so it doesn't matter much.

i was watching the rain on window it was so calming. then i heard knock on the door. my head went in that way. it was vinnie.

"what are you doing here? i told you to go home." i asked confused. why was he here?

"doctors said you can eat now so i brought you some food." he pointed at food in his hands as he walked in.

"you didn't have to do that, you know.." he walked ans sat on bed on my left side and putted food on the table beside me.

"yeah but i did." comfortable silence continued before he slowly took my hand in his and looked me in eyes.

"please, athena. you have to listen to me.."

"no, i know what are you gonna say. and i don't want to heart anything about that, i don't even want to mention it." i am getting sick of people trying to convince me.


"no, i said no and that's my final answer. let's just enjoy in the time we have left." once again and made him go silent.

"what is your.. last wish.." his voice broke at last words, and his look left my eyes. i get it, it was hard for him.

"to go on race track where we met." he looked up at me again. i don't know what made me say that but i feel like i have special connection with that race track.

is it because i met him? because that night on that race track i started amazing chapter in my life. well not that amazing but you get what i mean.

"you think they will let you?" he asked quietly still holding my hand. his hands were still warm.

"only one way to find out." i said and tried supporting myself on elbows and getting up but i felt one of vinnie's hands on my stomach and other one on ny back.

"easy, you don't have to go. i'll ask doctors, but you have to eat first." he said and gently pushed me back in bed.

"i can walk myself."

"i know you can but i don't want you to." he smiled at me then took food and putted it in my lap.

"i'll go ask them." he left room smiling at me.

well, food is food. i'll eat. i mean, it's last week of my life i gotta enjoy.



short and kind of boring part, but don't worry better parts are coming

thoughts? what do you think, will she survive? will they find a donor?

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