2. competitor

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Everyone looked at him. I never saw that men in my life. He had short brown hair and brown eyes. He looked all chill. But I wasn't going to accept it because I wanted real competition.

"Aren't you going?" - Veronica asked me as she stood by my right side.

Behind us were the boys I met before. We talked again a little. They seem like nice guys I would hang out with willingly.

"Why would I, he looks like it's his first race. I want competition, you know that." - I responded still looking at the guy on stage.

"Maybe this will be last race, maybe no one would except anymore races." - Jordan said, turning to me.

"You think?" - I asked turning my face to him.

"You should try, you say you wanted to clear your head." - Jordan added.

I think about what they say for few second and I raised my hand.

Everyone looked at me.

"It's Athena Robbins!" - The guy on stage yelled and everyone started cheering. I guess everyone needed a little fun tonight.

As soon as I stepped on stairs from another side of stage the guy ran off. I got up and looked at him down.

"Wait, where are you going?" - I asked and he didn't responed.

"Coward!" - I yelled at him and everyone went "uuuu" like I roasted him so much, and not called him a coward because he ran away.

"Okay so, I guess we are searching for another one." - Guy said and started looking around and I did too.

I took the microphone "I promise i'll be gentle and no one would get hurt!" - I said and left microphone.

After few seconds no one changed mind and it seemed like no one wants to race with me.

"Okay, we got one.. The guy with blonde hair, get up here!" - Guy yelled and the competitor got and aplause.

I looked who it was and it was the guy I met before.

"The softie wants to race?" - I mumbeled under my breath.

"Dude, you don't want to do this." - Bryce warned him and stopped him from walking on stage.

"Why what's the worst thing that can happen?" -  Vinnie asked him confusedly.

"Men, last races she had, she left others so much behind that they got lost in dust and some of them even hit trees and ended up hospitalized!" -  Blake added.

"I'll be fine." - Vinnie said and walked on stage.

I turned to him and we got to each other. We got closer, like on boxing fights, they needed to take a picture because this will be on youtube and almost  and social medias.

I looked him straight in the eyes with a smirk. He didn't even try to feel anything. He kept straight face.

"Never thought it would be you softie." - I said quietly still looking at him while people took pictures.

"Don't call me 'softie'."

"I will, until you prove that you are not one, softie." I teased.

Both of us could feel the tension, our breaths became one as we were looking into each others eyes. But we ignored it.

"Okay, you two bring your cars on the race track." -  Man said and he got down on one side of stairs what was right one, and me on left one.

I got down and people started patting my back for support, and chearing for me. I was smirking as I was walking to my car.

Vinnie kept straigh face as questions of fletchers came to him.

"Vinnie, you are on race track with Athena Robbins, how do you feel about that?"

"Vinnie, was there tension up there?"

"What do you think who will win you or Athena?"

He ignored.

"Okay guys, enough, we'll answer questions later." - Bryce came up to him and boys surrounded him so he can get a little space.

"Dude you are crazy!" - Bryce said to him.

"Do you know what you let yourself into? She owns this streets, she knows them very well, you'll loose." - Josh said walking by him.

"Wow, thanks for support guys" - Vinnie said emotionless and walked into his car and started engine so he can get on race track.

"We are just telling you whats the best for you, we don't want you to get hurt." - Blake leaned down on his window.

"I won't." - He said and drove away.

When he came and parked his car on spot he saw me waiting for him leaned on my car.

He got out so we can shake hands and took more pictures.

"Wow, nice machine softie" - I said smirking as he walked towards her.

He rolled his eyes and men from stage came, I stood by man's right side and Vinnie on left.

Everyone was taking pictures and then Vinnie looked at his group of friends. They had worried looks. He was so occupied by thoughts was this worth if he'll get hurt.

He didn't even notice that the men left.

"Changing mind softie?" - I asked him

He looked back at his friends and turned to me "Never."

He said as our faces were inched apart again.

The woman who was counting down came on road and I got into my car as he did inti his.

On my way to the car few fletchers stopped me.

"What do you think who will win Athena?"

"Uhhh, was that a question.. Me of course."

I got into a car and looked at him throught my window and he looked at me emotionless, I winked at him. I tried to let him know that he won't get hurt because i promised that.

He rolled his eyes and looked in front of himself and I did too.

Some workers there move away people from the cars. I was giving a little strenght to the car by pressing a gas.

I heard everyone cheering.

Woman showed..






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