30. overthinking situation

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i ignored notification on the phone. it's just another comment or something that has nothing to do with me.

blake got up to open the door. when he did he greeted person but person didn't say anything back. they just 'bro hugged' if you know what am i talking about.

it was kio. with bag with food with him. alone.

"oh hey athena, what are you doing here?" he asked as he placed food on table.

"i came to clear things up with them, and we did. where is vinnie?" i responded to his question and continued conversation.

he went to kitchen and i followed him there.

"he uh.. he left me down the street he said he has some important job to do quickly. he will come back." he responded and got glass of water for himself.

"did you left my sister in the gym?"

"yeah, when he left her at gym i went to get food, and when i came back she wasn't in car anymore. if that's what are you worried about." he comoforted me and left kitchen.

that didn't help at all. where is he going? i am really curios right now. but i shrugged it off and went in living room with others.

we talked for a bit more. that's when i decided to go home. i said goodbye to all of them then went out of the house.

as i am about to put my helmet on, three fletchers came with cameras right on me.

"hey athena we don't want to bother you, but we just want to ask you few questions." one of them on my left side said. they seemed nicer then any other fletchers.

"yeah sure." i putted down helmet in my lap and looked at him.

"what happened last night with you and olivia?" wow. they went straight to it.

"uh.. olivia has some problem with me and she is mad at me because of something. and yeah.. that happened." i tried not to reveal much because i don't want people to feel bad about me at all.

or to throw any hate at anyone because they feel bad for me.

"oh okay, then how vinnie feels about the kiss with kio when you two broke up?" second one spoke up. okay that had me confused. i laughed nervously.

"what? i didn't kiss kio. who said that? we hugged two-three times and that's it, me and vinnie didn't broke up. and no one cheated." i explained. three of them looked at each other worriedly.

i furrowed my eyebrows at them. they didn't say anything, they just continued on asking questions.

"how did you react on phote posted before 20 minutes?" third one stepped in conversation.

"what photo?" i was confused. it had me worried. if notification was the photo they are talking about, i must be tagged in and it must be something about me or vinnie.

"vinnie kissed your sister in car" first one spoke quietly.

i laughed. "yeah, as if" i putted helmet on and soon when it covered my face smile disappeared and worry came in. he didn't actually do it? right?

i started driving. i was mad. and i was speeding up and going by cars.

i got home. thank lord alone. if something really happened i would handle it alone. it's easier.

as soon as i turned on phone. i saw that notification.

user25 tagged you in comment

user21 tagged you in comment he really did....

user53 tagged you in photo why did....

notifications are going wild now.

photo. guess what. vinnie kissing my sister.

"you son of a bitch." i mumbeled to myself looking at photo better.

in the car. kio wasn't in the back. i was so and i mean so pissed off that i couldn't even cry. i was swearing whole time while walking around the house.

i wanted to see how long would it take him to send me message. i wanted to act dumb. i really wanted to see what would he do.

will he confirm it himself? or would i have to remind him?

and hour passed. and i was still pissed as fuck. i wanted to yell at him so bad. i wanted to let my anger out.

my sister walked in. i knew her steps. i didn't bothet to turn my look from screen of phone.

"what? no 'hey sis, how was training' as usual?" she stayed there by stairs. i gave her death stare as i got up and hitted her shoulder walking upstairs.

when i got in room i closed and locked door. for whole 20 minutes i was walking around the room overthinking situation.. as always.

did he kissed her or she kissed him? i didn't care who's fault was it. i am mad at both of them. and especially on one of them.

if she kissed him, he could've lean back. i mean it's not like she leaned in for a kiss from passenger seat in second not letting him know that she is about to kiss her.

will he apologize? will he meantion situation at all? will he have audacity to act like nothing happened?

time will show. i won't say anything for a bit of time.

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