44. how long?

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"what do you mean?" i asked furrowing eyebrows.

"athena, moment i thought you are gone forever made me break. i thought i will never see you or hear your voice.. do you know how that feels? almost loosing  loved one?" my heart skipped a beat when he said 'loved one'. does he really still loves me?

"i know how it is, trust me. and i don't want to expirience it ever again." i answered keeping myself together.

"then you know how i felt. please, i beg you right now. can we start over. life is too short to have time to think. just think of night when you had accident. we could've lost everything we ever had." he took my hand in his and i looked at our hands. mines were cold but his were warm.

"vinnie, did we ever existed?" i tilted my head and squeezed my eyes. did we really?

"for me, yeah we did. you left deep scar in my brain and you think it's easy to heal it with someone else who isn't close to you? everytime i look at girl, i think of you. i imagine you and me. our future together.." he continued. he wasn't stopping.

"as much as you try, you think scar from you and your words from my birthday party night is gonna heal easily?" i asked him again. he looked down.

"vinnie as much as i love you-" i stopped at my words. even he realized that i said i love him. this is first time i said that i love him since we met. he raised his head.

"you love me?" he quietly said. i took deep breath avoiding his eyes. i was avoiding to answer on his question because i know i would be vurnelable again and get back to him easily.

"vinnie, we can be friends. nothing more." ouch, even my words hurted me.

"friends?" he repeated. his voice quiet. he tried not to sound broken. to be honest i was trying too.

"friends..." and i repeated waiting for his response. he smiled. "okay then.. thanks for giving me another chance." he added.

"when you say that on that way, it's like we're couple again." i nervously and awkwardly laughed looking away.

for next two hours we talked. there were some awkward eye contacts. it didn't make me uncomfortable it was just awkward.

then i heard door open. it was josh. he looked at me with wide eyes.

"you're awake?!" he almost yelled. he slammed door, went to me and almost crushed me to the death with his hug.

"i am gonna ran out of breath if you don't stop" i said fighting for breath. i took deep one after he pulled us apart. he looked at me with the biggest smile i've ever saw on his face.

"God, you have no idea how happy i am that you are okay.."

"are you crying?" i saw his eyes getting watery while he was holding me by my shoulders.

"even if i am, wich i am not, it's because i am happy" yeah, he lied. he blinked few times to control tears and it worked but i saw them.

we talked for hours. me vinnie and josh had an amazing time. around 3pm avani, bryce, blake, amelie, anthony and kio came along with my parents. i am suprised doctors let them all be in room at the same time.

but we ordered food and we ate. not me, i couldn't because they did some tests and i had to do few more and i couldn't eat for 2 more hours.

we were laughing and having good time.

we heard knock and room went silent. it was my doctor. she was greatest doctor i've ever had. she was nice and caring not just towards me, but towards everyone.

"doctor stivens" i said happily.

"hey athena, and all of you" she smiled.

"i have something to tell you." her tone became serious making me scared. everyone made serious face and room was silent. i hated this silence.

"the tests we've done earlier.. showed uh..." she made pause looking at the papers she had in arms. "well before anything we know you had car accident before few years and that you had heart problems for few months" she continued.

everyone except my parents and josh looked at me. i never told them i already had car accident. and i felt that it isn't important for them to know.

"yeah.. what with that?" i aksed unsure if i want to hear what she is about to say. i feel that is gonna be bad.

"accident was more than serious, and your heart slowed down during surgery and it's keeping same speed wich for your age is really slow.." wait.. does this mean?

"does this mean i have no chance? that i am gonna die?" i asked and my voice started breaking. vinnie who was sitting right next to me took my hand in botg of his.

"you do have chance, but if we find heart donor.." she stopped and room continued with silence. my breath got heavier.

"how long do i have?" i asked her looking down. i felt heavines on my chest growing. i started sweating.

"we want that to stay betwe-" i interrupted her.

"how long do i have?" i repeated louder.

she stayed quiet for few seconds. "a week."



what do you think.. will she find a donor?


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