16. it was only a kiss...

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i don't have much time to think, only few seconds before he gets suspicious on me. do i want anything between us? who am i joking of course i want. is it possible to like someone just by the way someone touches you?

by the way you feel in someones hands and touch?

it started with a kiss, how did it end up like this?

but would that be good for us? i don't care. i will give it a shot. how much can it hurt me if we broke up? not much.. right?

"so.." he said braking my thoughts.

my hand was still on back of his head so i didn't make it useless. i pulled him in and kissed him again. God is this really that addicting? his touch?

when we pulled away i smiled at him. i assume he knows answer to question. my reasponse was clear after all.

"you had no idea how much was i waiting for this.." he broke the soft music that was still playing from tv in living room..

"me too" i said and pulled his head again but this time we were just keeping our foreheads againts each other with closed eyes.

"promise you will not hurt me" i quietly said.

"i promise" he whispered after few seconds. we were still in same position until silence of song ending made us get back to reallity.

"brownies?" he smiled at his words as he asked. i just nodded with biggest smile i had in while.

we finally finished and putted them in oven for 30 minutes. until that we just decided to scroll through social medias.

"do you want me to start live?" he asked making me put my phone away a little.

"sure, but should we confirm our relationship? i mean if you want to, it doesn't matter for me" i said wondering. honestly i will confirm our relationship whenever he wants. it is that we both have career and that we both should talk about it.

but it didn't matter for me. as long as i was happy and as long as people don't hurt my family.

"let's wait for a bit before anything"

"okay.." i said and walked up to get us drinks and some snacks. he then started live and we sat talking for 10 minutes.

i wasn't really paying attention to comments but what vinnie read out loud kind of worried me.

"can we come? says bryce" vinnie said turning to me. i looked at him serious.

"i don't want that for a bit, ya know.. i need time" i told him quietly so people on live wouldn't hear.

"okay" he whispered turning back to his phone.

few minutes passed "okay, brownies are done" i said getting up and going to oven to pull them out.

"you guys are gonna see our masterpiece of brownies now, first time it didn't got so well but we did it" he talked to his live.

i chuckeled remembering our fight with flour and eggs. he did the same when he heard me smile.

"okay here they are" i got to living room where we were sitting with plate full of brownies filled with melted chocolate in it.

"omg they smell so good" vinnie said when i putted plate on table infront of his phone.

"okay" i picked up one brownie so did vinnie. we looked at each other with smile. "let's try it at same time" i added.

we tasted it and they were amazing.

"it's good" he nodded to his phone. i saw comments on live and people were saying that they look good. i was eating and smiling at all comment.

"wait" vinnie lowered his tone and i turned my attention to him. he get his arms closer to my mouth and then wiped a little chocolate i had near my mouth.

i was looking him deep in eyes. but change appeared when we locked our eyes. it looked so magical. his eyes were so dark but yet so beautiful.

we were starring at each other. that was until vinnie got notification. it was message but i didn't saw from who. he took his phone "okay people i gotta go, see you soon" he ended live and went straight to his dms.

i was licking chocolate from my fingers after i ate my brownie.

"bryce says he is sorry" vinnie broke silence. i turned to him.

"why did he had to say that to you, why didn't he send message to me.." i asked. honestly that made me a little mad. why doesn't he send message to meif he really is sorry.

it's not just him. others too. that makes me confused. are they scared to say it to my face?

"i don't know.." he replied to my question.

"well tell him that i need time. that was really messed up. olivia called me a bitch because i saved her life and then said how everything was fine before i came in their lives.. that hurts.. i never thought of that.." i said to him leaning back in couch while eating another brownie.

"he said he'll give you as much as you need" vinnie turned off his phone. "i don't know if you will forgive them" he leaned back putting his hand on my shoulder. "but i have feeling they didn't mean that.. they are not like that.. and especially kio. as i said if you forgive them, don't treat kio differently. he doesn't deserve anything because of olivia"

"i know.." i lower my head on his.

"do you want to go up sleep?" i finally asked after few minutes of silence.

"yeah" he sounded tired.

we got in my room. i laid on bed. soon i felt arms wrapped around my waist. i smiled to myself and fell asleep.

"what the hell?"

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