21. home sweet home

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we packed our stuff and before we went into a car i quickly putted some make up over hickeys. we will probably be tired from driving and i really don't want to deal with my parents at that time.

house was clean. everything from bed in my parents room was washed. i washed it and it was drying.

we took our stuff and putted bags in trunk. then locked door and drived to the house. around 5:30 we were in house.

"oh, hi you two" my dad said from couch in living room.

"hi dad, where is mom?" i asked.

"oh she is in kitchen wit-" he was interrupted.

"athena!!" recognizable voice yelled my name. i turned to the way voice was coming from.

"lizzie!!" i yelled back to my sister. "weren't you supposted to come next week?" i said while we were in hug.

"yeah i was but i got few days free earlier." we finally let go of each other.

"for how long are you staying?" i asked her. i hope longer. i wanted to spend time with her as much as i can.

"for month actually. i finished everything i had. now i am waiting for september. new chlotes you know and a lot of photoshots" she explained. well one month is good. she usually stayed for 2 or 3 weeks.

"how was at lake?" my mother asked as she turned to vinnie who was standing behind me all the time.

"it was really good mrs robbins. you have really nice lake house." he smiled looking at me.

"well i am glad you spend a good time." she walked back to the kitchen smiling.

"oh yeah, vinnie this is elizabeth or lizzie for short, my sister and lizzie this is vinnie.. my boyfriend" i introduced them to each other. vinnie smiled at her waving.

she looked him up and down smiling. "you got a boyfriend. not a news but i think you got good one this time" she said still looking at him.

"yeah" i nervously laughed. she knows i hate when she talks about my ex's infornt of my current boyfriend.

"where is josh?" i asked dad on couch.

"he is in room with his girlfriend" he said not turning his look from tv. and i know he is not planing to. he is watching his favourite show.

"girfriend?" i repeated. "he didn't have a girfriend when i left?" i was so confused. how can he find a girlfriend in two days?

"yeah, they came before few hours. since then they didn't left the room" my mom said from kitchen.

"thank God, he is 23 years old i thought he would be single for rest of his life" i chuckeled. me and vinnie picked our bags. "vinnie is staying for night" i yelled walking upstairs with him following me.

we got to my room and throwed bags on little couch in corner. i jumped on bed as he did.

"i am sot tired" i groaned. drive felt like it was days long and not an hour.

"me too." he agreed laying next to me.

"we shower, change then sleep?" i suggested.

"sure." he picked me up and started going towards bathroom.

"not together." he putted me down and looked me with confused eyes. "i am going to check on josh and to meet his new girfriend. then i'll shower. by the time you finish"

"you owe me for this time" he whispered in my ear smirking. i smiled and kissed him then left the room.

i went to josh's room. first of i putted my ear on door to see if i can hear anything.

nothing. thank God.

i knocked on door and "come in" shouted from other side of door.

"hi" i said as i got in room closing door.

"oh hi, you and vinnie already came back?" he asked. they were laying on his bed cuddling and on their phones taking pictures and scrolling throgh tiktok. i could hear sounds coming from her phone.

"yeah, we did.." i made a pause and looked at girl, she had blonde hair with green eyes. josh always had things for girls with green eyes."hi my name is athena an-"

"wait.. vinnie like vinnie hacker?" she looked at josh then at me.

"yeah, why?" i furrowed my eyebrows at her.

"omg he is my favourite tiktoker, and he is so ho-" she stopped when she realized what is she saying. but i knew what she was about to say.
"the point is.. i always wanted to meet him" she added.

"well yeah you can meet him after, he is in shower currently, i'll tell him" i tried not to sound annoyed. i think i successed? but who knows..

"thank you so much! my name is laila by the way, what's your name?" she smiled.


i thought to myself but decided to keep it to myself.

"i'm athena"

"i am gonna leave you two now, he is probably finished with showering by now so its my turn" i left the room. when i closed door my 'smile' disappeared.
i knew what she was about to say.

i got into my room. i heard doorknob of bathroom door going off. i looked and saw lizzie trying to get in.

"what are you doing?!" i yelled closing the door of my room behind me.

"oh, uh... i- i though you were in here.. because uh.. i- i needed a um.. a towel yes. a towel" she stuttered while trying  not to sound suspicious.

"i have only one more clean, i used them on lake, you'll have to borrow from our parents' bathroom." i was still mad, but i was not yelling.

"uhh... okay" she awkwardly walked out of the room closing the door.

vinnie finally got out with just sweatpants on. "were you trying to get in?" he smiled at his question looking at me.

"no, my sister was" i sounded annoyed and i didn't hide it.

"your sister?" he repeated but this time he sounded worried and he had no smile.

"yeah, she said she needed a towel" i got up and got to bathroom. i showered and i felt so much better. i tried to clear my mind before i go out. i was really tired and i needed few hours long good sleep.

"hey vin-" i stopped when i saw laila taking pictures with him. he looked uncomfortable. like he didn't want to be in this situation.

"babe!" he yelled walking up to me and wraping his arms around my waist.

"come on lets get a nap" he said quietly his face close to mine.

"sure" when we turend laila was awkwardly standing there watching us.

"umm, we were planing... on... sleeping" i slowly said trying to sound calm not to hurt her feelings.

"oh i got it totally, you are tired from drive.. i'll leave you two alone" she closed door and left. i went and locked them. since i got home every door was hiding something from me.

"ugh thank God" he jumped on bed and covered his face with his hands.

"what's wrong?" i asked laying next to him.

"i love my fans and i really wanted to sleep but i don't want to be rude towards her.." he turend his gaze to me.

"well, we are gonna get some sleep now." i smiled, kissed him then i lowered shutters and room was dark. it was perfect.

we both woke up around 11pm to our phones going off as crazy.



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