42. hold on

601 15 3

my eyes were closed. i was concsious. my body was numb and trapped under car. i heard people running and yelling. i started opening my eyes. i felt like i was bleeding everywhere.

i felt blood falling down from my head. i saw black when i opened my eyes. i heard everything but i couldn't see anything.  then once again i closed my eyes.


when i saw athena's car go off the road i felt my heart beating faster. i know what i did to her and it hurted me even more. what if i will never get to see her again?

i didn't try hard enough to get her back. i was just laying in bed and sometimes crying about whole situation for past seven days.

i felt like i didn't do enough. like i could do something more.

amelie, avani, bryce and blake were standing next to me.

"athena!" amelie and avani screamed. i started running towards her car and they followed me. all other people just stayed on their places not moving.

when we got to the end of race track i saw her car down on the road. my heart speeded up even more. i ran towards car and tried opening door.

fuck, it's stuck. she was laying upside down. her body was out of the seat and seatbealt was making it harder to get her out.

"call 911 now!" i yelled as from top of my lungs to others. blake took his phone. his hands were shaking. but he somehow typed in number and talked to them.

to be honest i didn't hear anything from him. i was thinking how to pull out athena out of the car.

only way was to break glass. but what if glass cuts her? well, i'll broke it but not close to her face.

when i kicked glass with my leg enough to get my arm in and break glass from inside i unbuckeled seatbelt and pushed her out softly trying not to cut her on glass on the floor.

i sat on the ground. i was holding her in my arms. my hands were bleeding from glass but that wasn't important to me at moment.

i felt my eyes tearing up. for hundered times this week. and i didn't hold them back.

"please, please hold on." i cried out quietly. i moved her body closed to mine. it was still warm as before. i just wish to see her smile and hear her voice once again.

avani, amelie, blake and bryce were gone, waiting for ambulance to come infront of entrance for race tracks. amelie and avani were walking away crying like crazy, blake and bryce were trying to calm them down but it wasn't working if they were crying too.

i buried my head in her neck feeling her heart beat getting slower. i pulled my head and looked at her injured face covered in scars.

"hold on, i know you can" i whispered once more holding her thinghter.

"i still love you" i was keeping my left hand under her body and with right one i was holding her face up.

i heard sirens in distance and my head moved in that way. my friends were running towards us. avani and amelie barely breathing. it was only sobbing.

ambulance came. i heard flatchers coming but i didn't care for them. i was praying for her to be alive.

they took her on stretchers. i felt my body getting coldness from losing her touch. i controlled my crying and got up following them.

"only one can go with us" girl said turning to us while other two started working on keeping athena alive.

"i'll go" my voice broke but i am ready to fight for place next to her.

"vinnie y-" bryce started talking but i cutted him off.

"i said i am going, i don't care!" i yelled and they went silent. i took keys of my car from pocket and throwed them at bryce.

"go home, i'll call you for details" were last words before men closed door.

i was sitting on her left, watching her. not being able to think about any other thing but her and time we spend together.

that all, will maybe be gone just like that, with one wrong turn. one second.

"you are her?" girl  who was sitting across me started conversation. i looked up to her with red eyes. it will be awkward to say ex boyfriend, right?

"friend" i mumbeled quietly. that kind of hurted to say.

"does she have any family?" she spoke again.

"y-yeah, uh.. she has both her parents, brother and sister" i answered this time more louder.

"her full name?" and again, one more question.

"athena victoria robbins" i answered again.

"how old is she?"

"19" that just reminded me of her birthday party few days ago and morning after it. i don't even remember what have i told her but i know it hurted her much more than i think.

we got to the hospital and they got her out of ambulance in a second.

i just followed them.

"wait here sir." woman said stopping me from walking towards them. i looked at her then at way the took athena. i was breathing heavily.

'surgery room' i read to myself what was writen above the doors.

i sat on the chairs infront of that room waiting. nothing more. only things that made me feel less lonely were my thoughts. about her.

our first kiss, fight with flour and eggs in her house, lake house time and our first race that made us meet.

and that lead me to the memory when we met. my eyes started to water again. i was praying for her to be alive.

"what the fuck are you doing here?!" i heard yelling from my left side.



it's getting heated up...


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