15.one thing leads to another and...

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when he putted flour i putted sugar in bowl. i was about to put eggs when vinnie interrupted me.

"is that hair in flour?" he asked pointing at bowl.

"where?" i asked back bringing my face closer to bowl to see where it is.

he pushed my head down in bowl and sugar and flour were over my face abd little bit on my hair.
he started laughing as he back away from me.

"oh no you did not" i chuckeled through words as i looked at him. he was still laughing. i took flour in hand and throwed it at him. black shirt he had on himself was now cowered in flour.

"you just started a war" he said and took flour and started throwing at me.

"you started it first!" i yelled at him.

things started to get funnier when i got closer to him and throwed egg.

while he was trying to clean egg from shirt i used a chance to get much closer to break egg at his head.

that didn't successed.

i sliped on egg that was on floor and on luck i catched myself on counter before i fell down. but i felt something more. i felt his hands on my waist.

i looked up at him and still holding myself to counter i was now standing up on my legs. he didn't move his hands from my hips. instead he pulled me closer. his grip getting tighter on my shirt.

i didn't even move. i was scared of the next thing that is going to happen.

i felt something on my head. he broke egg on my head... yup..

he started laughing and running as far away as possible from me. to the point he was on staircase.

"you are such an ass!" i yelled across the room trough laugh.

i was trying to get him but i was slipping on eggs on floor so it took my a while to get out of the kitchen.

but when i was out i started running towards him.he ran up to my room but before he even got there i took him by shirt and guess what? shirt ripped on the side.

he stopped and looked at me.

"that's my brothers shirt omg, he's gonna kill me" i came to realization of that. he is going to kill me. he hates when i touch his stuff. well i am same. i hate when he touches mine too. but this time i crossed a line. i owe him new shirt.

we finally calmed down and stood facing each other.

"truce?" i asked pulling out my hand so he can shake it as sign of making peace.

he smiled and shook my hand.

"i am going to shower because i really need to. and you can chill here and find yourself a new shirt and sweatpants. these ones you can leave in my room i will throw shirt away and wash sweats tomorrow. and we'll clean the kitchen after." i suggested a plan for now.

"deal" he said and get going to josh's room. i got in mine, picked what will i wear. again it was simple outfit shirt and sweats. then got in bathroom.

when i finished i brushed my hair and got out of bathroom to see vinnie sitting on my bed. shirtless.

he didn't raise his head to catch me starring at him so i got my look down.

"bathroom is free" i said still holding down my look.

"okay" he picked up chlotes and get in bathroom.

"you have shampoo and towels there" i said when he closed the door and locked them.

"thank you" he thanked and i left my room. i decided to start cleaning kitchen since uuhh... we made a mess.

i was half way done. only thing to clean were counters. floors are clean and no slipping anymore.

when i was putting dishes in sink i heard footsteps. when i turned around i saw vinnie getting down with undershirt.

as fast as i can i shook my head and get my eyes of him before he realizes i am starring at him. again.

"do you want me to help you?" he asked coming up in kitchen.

"yeah can you clean the countera while i wash the dishes so we can start again, please?" i turned to him and tried my best to stay focued on his eyes.

"yeah sure" he started cleaning and after about 20 minutes we were both done.

"okay let's start again, but without messing up anything!" i raised my voice at the end. he just smiled and said "finee"

eggs, flour and sugar were in bowl. without mess this time. i was reaching out to grab cocoa powder.

i felt someone behind me. i stopped as i watched vinnie grabbing cocoa powder then giving it to me. when i turned around i saw him standing there. in same spot from where he took cocoa powder.

we were watching in each others eyes. one thing lead to another until our lips crashed. i felt it. the thing i wanted to feel all night. does he like like me ot just like me?

it seems like he likes likes me.. i can't call it love at this point. it's too soon. that's one of my things in relationship. i always think it's too early to declere love. it was better to wait then get yourself hurt by someone else.if ido it too fast then i ask myself 'do i really love that person?'

i don't know just my opinion. and it's not that you have to wait like few months. i was in relationships for 6-7 months without saying 'i love you'. it's about connection. how do you feel with that person with you. how you act around that person.

if you want to find youeself a soulmate see how much are you faking your feelings around person, then decide.


i couldn't wait. i couldn't hold it anymore in me. i had to. rejection? no, now or never.

we mached our lips. and on my luck she kissed back. i felt it. that she is the one. but is it too soon?

i felt what she wanted. she wanted to continue this. i grabbed her thights and put her on counter. thud broke our kiss.


yeah. he want this. well, fuck it. i am not gonna lie i want it too.

he grabbed my thights and put me on counter to sit.
pain in my head made me pull away.

he looked at me worried. he probably heard thud.

"uu that hurts" i say as i held the spot i hit myself.

he smiled and looked down.

"athena, do you want anything between us?" he asked making my smile go away. this made me serious. not worried or scared. serious. do i want something between us? do i want to let myself into something more with him?

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