23. mechanic

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morning, 10am. for me pretty normal time to wake up. i noticed that last few nights i didn't have nightmares
i guess vinnie is changing my life into a something better.

i turned on my phone and and still notifications were there. my instagram exploded. i never saw it like this i had around 270k followers but now i have 640k wich is pretty big number.

vinnie wake up after 20 minutes turning to me.

"good morning angel" he knows i love when he calls me angel. i don't know but it sounds better than anything else.

"good morning handsome" i turned off my phone and got up from bed. i went into a bathroom and did everything i needed then vinnie too.

"i am going to sway today, i am gonna leave my stuff then i will get ready for our date tonight" he smiled putting his stuff in his bag.

"i would like you to stay on brekfast at least" i get to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. his eyes went to my lower back looking me with smile.

"of course" he replied. he kissed me then we were interrupted by knock and slowly opened door.

"i am sorry for interrupting but mom calles you two down on breakfast with us" josh asked standing by the door.

"oh yeah, tell her we'll be there in minute" i said still not moving from vinnie's arms.

"okay" he went outside and closed the door behind him. i loved my family because they actually close the door behind them.

after two minutes me and vinnie went down for breakfast.

"good morning kids" my dad shouted from kitchen while helping my mom to set the table.

me and vinnie both said good morning back and went into kitchen standing by kitchen land. and there was laila with phone in her hand and eyes on it.

vinnie made tiktok of him lip syncing some song when i popped up in screen and followed him. as he posted tiktok brekfast was ready.

we leaved our phones on kitchen land and sat by the table. me and vinnie were sitting one beside other on one side. my dad on the beginning table on our left. and laila, josh and my mom across us.

we were all eating until laila laughed at her phone. none of us had phone while eating and it was really awkward. me vinnie and my parents looked at josh who was paying attention.

he cleared his throat before saying "umm.. laila can you please leave phone by the table?" he looked at her sounding disappointed.

"oh.." she looked up at us and we all were looking at our plates. "sorry" she pulled her phone in pocked and continued to eat.

awkward silence. all i could thing about is her being on her phone during breakfast while no one has it near.

"i should go home" vinnie pulled away his chair and stood up. "thank you mr. and mrs. robbins for having me, breakfast was amazing" he smiled and my parents smiled back at him.

"everytime vinnie. you are welcome whenever you want" my dad spoke up.

"i am going with you" i got up and went up to my room with vinnie.

"i need to go to mechanic today.. my car is fucked up" i said as he lifted up his bag.

"yeah.. do you want me to drive you so you can leave your car there?" he asked.

"no, get rest i'll ask josh to drive me. i am sure he will. just make sure to be here tonight at 7pm"

"i will don't worry. i am gonna drive us tonight tell that to josh" at that point we were at my door. i was standing inside holding door while he was infront.

"okay" i smiled and came closer to kiss him.

my father cleared his throat watching us from living room when my mother playfully hittes him in arm.

we laughed looking at them. i went on my tipy toes and kissed him on cheek.

"see you tonight" i said.

"see you" he went in car and drove away. i closed door and went to josh. he was in his room with laila. when i knocked he let me in. she was packing her bag. i assume she is going too.

"um josh, i wanted to ask you if you want to drive me to mechanic for and hour, i need to leave car on fixing.." i asked him.

"yeah sure, no problem" he answered.

"thank you" i thanked and left room. i went into my own to take shower. when i got out i heard someone walking  infront of my room. it sounded like laila and josh. i think she is leaving now.

i dressed up and sat a little. then i went to josh's room to tell him that we are going.

i went into my car and he in his. we went to mechanic and i parked infornt of garage. good thing that there is no other car.

the guy went up to us. he had undershirt and short on. he was sweaty and looked around my brother's age. he was mechanic's son. but he was also working.

i knew him but he didn't knew me. i wasn't at mechanic often.

"hey man" my brother greeted him. yes. i know him because of my brother who used to go out with him from time to time.

"hey" they did that handshake or whatever. he looked at me then.

"athena robbins, what brings you here?" he asked.

"you know my name?" i asked back.

"yeah, you are like really popular driver and my friends sister." he looked me up and down.

"yeah.. anyway i am here because i had little accident and umm" i pointed at right side of my car "yeah.. that happened"

"oh yeah, i saw that video when you pushed girl's car and saved her life. and that fight after." he sounded kind of worried for that.

"yeah, how long will it take to fix a car?" i tried to shake his thought because its like i now what he is trying to do. to ask for my number. he sounded and looked like that.

"i don't know, you are gonna need to give me your number so i can call you. you know.. i don't know will i have other cars." yeah. i knew it.

"oh um.. sure" he gave me his phone to type it in. silence while i was typing my number was sooo and i mean sooo awkward. i felt gazes on me.

"here u go" i gave him his phone back.

"okay, i'll call you when it's done, but for now just get car in garage in case of rain or something. and you are gonna need to give me the keys" he added.

"oh, okay" i get to my car and parked it in garage. i gave him keys and josh and i got to his car and he drove us back to house.

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