17. family and boyfriend

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"what the hell?" my brother's voice made me and vinnie jump off the bed.

"josh? what are you doing here?" i asked rubbing my eyes and sitting up while vinnie was still laying awake.

"we came earlier and i went to see where you are and i caught you in bed with some guy?" he standed there having audacity to say something like that. he doesn't even know i know vinnie. he is not one night stand.

"he is not some guy.. vinnie this is josh, josh this is vinnie.. my boyfriend.." i got up from bed going to my closet to pick something to wear.

"since when do you have boyfriend?" josh asked following ne in closet.

"i asked her to be my girlfriend last night.." vinnie finally spoke up from bed. i smiled at his words.

"okay but you need to tell mom and dad.." he leaned on door and crossed his arms.

"i know, don't worry i'll tell them.." i picked simple outfit and get out of closet.

"hey man are you wearing my chlotes?" josh asked vinnie and pointed to his chlotes.

"yeah, i didn't have anything to wear and athena said it would be fine if i take yours" vinnie answered.

"athena you know th-"

"yeah i know, i'll wash it don't worry" i interrupted him. i didn't want to tell him about the shirt. if he realizes that one of shirts is missing, well.. i don't know i'll try my best for him not to be suspicious on me.

"oh and one thing man, you hurt her" josh turned to vinnie making a pause "i hurt you" he added treatening to vinnie. vinnie looked shocked, but not scared.

"okayyy, you gotta leave now.. byee josh" i pushed him out of the room and closed door.

i turned to vinnie and sighed. i went up to him and sat on his lap facing him. he had his arms on my back while looking up at me.

"sorry about him.." we would get much more sleep if he didn't interrup us.. i thought i had time figuring out how to tell mom and dad but now all i have are few minutes.

"don't be.. he seems like nice guy.. he is just protective like every older brother i guess.." he seemed calmed about whole situation. i smiled at him and kissed him.

"i need to go now. i need to shower and get new chlotes back at sway" he sounded sad. but i was little too.

"before you leave i have to ask you" i said standing up "i would love you to come with me at lake house tonight.. we can stay there for two days" i suggested. honestly i wanted us to be somewhere alone. not disturbed or interrupted.

"that sounds like good idea acutually.." he smiled.

"yeah and we have barbecue, we can buy some food and bring swim-short.. we'll go to lake" i said excitedly. i was really excited.

we went downstairs when someone interrupted us.

"athena honey?" my mother spoke up. fuck. this will be awkward.

"yes mom?" i answered and turned to her with fake smile.

"who is this young boy?" she asked making my dad turn his face to me too. as i said. awkward. that's what it is.

"umm.." i looked at vinnie and he gave me supportive look and squeezed my hand.

"mom.. dad.. this is vinnie hacker" i took deep breath "my boyfriend" they didn't look dissapointed tho. they just looked confused.

vinnie smiled at them.

"why didn't you tell us you had a boyfriend?" my dad said clamly.

"i asked your daughter to be my girlfriend last night, sir." vinnie spoke with spesific voice. i am glad he answered.

"oh.. i am happy for you two and call me chase.. i don't like being called sir.. it sounds old." he shook his hand with vinnie making me let sight of relief. it went well.

"what were you doing last night?" mom asked coming towards us.

"oh we backed brownies as you can see.." i pointed at josh who was eating them. "we watched movie, listen music and went live on his instagram then fell asleep" my parents are like this. they want to know every detail.

"and not sleeping in other way?" she asked again.

"mom!" i yelled. i noticed that vinnie was trying to hold his laugh. he looked down to cover his face.

"just checking.. sorry" she headed back to kitchen.

"wait what was your last name again?" josh came.

"hacker.. why?" he aksed josh. that was wondering me too.

"i knew you look familiar you are that tiktok guy with thirs trap content-"

"okayyy, you can go talk somewhere else.. i need to talk to dad i'll be back soon" i told vinnie and went to my dad and mom in kitchen.

"hey dad.. i was wondering if vinnie and i could have keys of our lake house we were planing on going going tonight and staying for two days.." i was praying in my head that he'll let me go.

he handed me keys and it immediately made my face lit up. i went back to vinnie and josh in living room.

"i got keys!" i said excitedly jumping on his lap while he was sitting.

"no way! that's awesome!" he hugged and kissed me on cheek.

"keep that for room" josh rolled his eyes and stood up.

"well i would say the same for you if you would go out and socialize with girls your age.." i responded.

"hey" my dad came in room.

"i saw that your car is screched on side.. something happened?" he added.

"oh yeah just a little accident.." i shrugged it off trying not to remember the conversation i had last night with olivia.

"are you okay? what happened?" my mom came and asked.

welp. now i totally can't escape it.

"yeah, one girl got mad at me because i hugged her boyfriend and last night when i went on race she signed up even if she doesn't race. she speeded up while i was beside her, i promised to her boyfriend that nothing will happened to her. she didn't saw turn and almost went into a wall but i speeded up and turned and mine and her car.." i made a pause "and now i need a mechanic" i laughed awkwardly.

"i am happy that you both are okay.. i bet she was grateful" my mom said and went back to kitchen.

"yeah she was" i said quietly and turned to vinnie just for him to give me awkward laugh.

me and vinnie went out of the house.

"i am going home to shower and pack some things then i'll be back to pick you up."

"no, i'll drive us.. my car is more for that kind of roads to our lake house. and i know where is it and how can we get faster to there." i gave and option and he nodded.

"see you soon" he kissed me and he smiled.

"see ya" i smiled and he went into his car.



hii guys i just wanted to thank you for reading this story!

i am really trying so hard to make this story interesting for reading

thank y'all for 240 readers! i really appriciate every one of you!

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