6. failed partnership

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I got ready got in the car and headed to studio where photoshoot was supposted to be.

I got in and I felt everyones eyes on me as I was watching my phone.

"Uh, Athena honey.. Can we.. Talk in my office." - Manager Tom said as he walked towards me and quietly whispered.

"Uhh, yeah sure." - I placed my phone in my pocket and get in his office with him.

"Honey, todays photoshoot is canceled as other your photoshoots with us..." - He said with guilt.

"What! Why?" - I shouted at him as he leaned on table as we were sitting in chairs.

"We saw the comments you were getting, and we don't think.." - He made a pause "That it will get along with our company.." - He normalized his voice.

"I am going to speak about it, I am going to clear all things, it's necessary hate.. I swear.. It's just messed up thing, people got that on wrong way.. Just please... Give me few more days.. And I will clear all things.." - I begged him to not break our contract. It's not that i need them, I love people here, we were partners for 2 years.

"I- I am sorry Athena.. You need to sign those papers, those are words of our boss not me.. But if you clear things you can come back everytime-"

Our boss Jasmine came in office.

"No she can't.. I am sorry Athena but my job is more important than one partner.. Sign papers." She was kind of rude all the time. So it didn't suprise me.

I looked at her with already annoyed look. I took the pencil from Tom's table and signed papers then slammed door.

I was really pissed, guess what helped. Paparazzi and fletchers outisde.. Great, day is going great.

"Are you and Vinnie together?"

"What happened last night after his live?"

"What do you say on all hate you are getting?"

I ignored and got in my car then speeded up just to get away from all of them. I decided to go to the sway house, because I needed to talk to Vinnie.

I rushed in house to see all of them sitting on couch talking about something.

"This is gone way to far!" - I yelled.

"What? Aren't you supposted to be on photoshooting?" - Bryce asked as everyone furrowed their eyebrows at me.

"I was supposted to be, yes.. But Vinnie's freaking fans started throwing shade at me, saying that I am whore because I broke up with my boyfriend before few days and last night I was in his bedroom. And after all hate I recieved, my sponsors, best sponsors not to mention, canceled all my photoshootings and told me to back away from them!" - I yelled again as I sat down and put my head down I put hands on my face because I felt like I was going to cry.

There was silence.. No one spoke anything.

"Come with me." - Vinnie said softly as he stood up and showed me to go to his room.

I raised my head with watery eyes and followed him up. On the way up I wiped my eyes. We got in his room and I closed door behind me.

"Talk." - Is the only thing I said..

"I am sorry.." - He make a pause.

"Yeah" - I chuckeled "I heard that one before." - I looked him dead in the eyes.

"Just listen to me.. I really feel bad for what happened with your partnership and I admit I am guilty. And I know that. I really want to reedem for what happened, so what do you want me to do?" - He showed his hands in back pockets.

"I want you to go on fucking social medias and clear the situation that nothing happened and that nothing will happen. I don't want your "fans" on my back anymore."

"Sure thing.. I'll post something on twitter and I'll film video for youtube and stop this once forever."

That made me feel a little better. He actually felt bad and he showed that he got my back in these situations.

I leaned and hugged him around waist because I wasn't so tall but I wasn't so short. I was in the middle. And he was tall.

He hugged me around neck and set his head on my head.

"Thank you." - I mumbeled in his chest.

"No problem." - He smiled. We let go, and looked each other in eyes.

"I am going home, I need to shower and take a nap. I didn't sleep whole night."

"Okay, and I am sorry again.. I really am." - He apologized again.

"It's fine.. Thank you for caring and for having my back." - I thanked him and he smiled.

I left the room and got downstairs. Boys asked me if everything is okay and we talked a bit.

"Will you come today at 4pm? So we can start filming again?" - Kio asked.

"Yeah, I will.. Wait I'll give you my number so we can call each others to talk about new videos." - I took his phone and typed my number to him.

They all started yelling.

"What's that big deal?" - I turned from the door.

"Dude, Athena Robbins just gave you number, how do you feel!?" - Blake yelled and all cameras were at Kio.

"I- You- What is this happening?" - He said, I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Give it to others too, I don't have time." - I closed the door and I could hear them yelling from the inside.

I chuckeled for myself got in the car and got to my house.

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