18. forgiveness

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i went upstairs to pack. i took a basic backpack and putted in my important stuff.


i came to sway house. turning off my car i went in it seemed pretty quiet until i heard someone arguing upstairs. it sounded like olivia and kio.

bryce came up to me.

"they have been like this whole morning" he said putting his arms on hips and looking up.

"why are they arguing?" i asked.

"as much as i heard, kio feels sorry for athena. he is saying that olivia shouldn't sign to that race tonight. she even got on tiktokroom after she signed. they have full fight of athena and her on page." he said. i could feel his guilt in voice. but i couldn't do anything.

i couldn't force athena to forgive them.

i started going up to my room to pack myself and take a shower.

i picked outfit. simple sweatpants and shirt. when i got in shower and get back there was no arguing anymore. i wonder what happened?

when i dressed i started packing. i heard knock on door. "come in" i replied to knocking. kio got in room.

"i heard you came, i decided to see how you doing" his face was really down. he seemed tired. not from sleeping. from dealing with something.

"yea i am good. are you and olivia cool with each other? i heard fighting.." i finally asked. i wanted to know what happened. after all he is still my best friend.

"nah men.. we took a break.. we did not break up but we did take a break.. i don't know dude.. i really wish that she didn't cause a whole scene last night. she even  ended up on tiktokroom. i wanted to tell her that it was wrong what she did but she is not listening obviously. she thinks i like athena. i like her as a friend." his face went down even more. i felt so bad for him. he did not deserve anything bad.

"i am sorry. i hope things will get better. you really did not deserve that." and i meant what i said. he did not deserve anything bad. he is the one who helped me when i was at my lowest.

"i hope too.." he made a pause "anyway, where are you packing?" he asked trying to get off this topic as soon as possible.

"oh, athena called me to go with her in her lake house for two days.." i sounded excited. and i was.

"oh, wait are you guys a thing?" kio asked still standing in same spot furrowing his eyebrows.

"well yeah.. i asked her last night at her house when we got back from race" i smiled as i remembered moment.

"i am happy for you two. really.. i hope you will not go through what me and olivia are going now.." his look fell down on floor.

awkward silence for good few seconds.

"well tell her that i am sorry in olivia's name.. she rrally shouldn't do that.." he didn't raise his look from down. i never saw him like this before.

"she is gonna pick me up here so you can tell her by yourself but don't worry man.. i am with you. i know you would do something if you could" i tried to give him hope thag it will be fine.

we heard doorbell. we both looked at each other knowing that this is athena.


it was time to go pick up vinnie. i have to go to the sway. that would be a challange. i said bye to my family and took some money. so we can buy ourselves a food on the way to house.

i got outside and looked at car. damn, i really need to find a mechanic as soon as i come back.

i came to the house and rang on doorbell. i was hoping vinnie would answer the door because i really didn't want anyone else to do it.

and for my luck. olivia opened door. she looked me up and down.

"me and kio are taking a break, we are not breaking up" she said in angry tone. it's making me angry but i am holding my horses still.

"i- i am not here for kio.. i am here for vinnie-"

"hey angel i am here" vinnie said and came downstairs. i was so grateful that he came. if she said another word i'll lose it.

but nickname activate butterflies in my stomach.

i notice kio was behind him. he was looking bad. like he was dealing with something that just ruined his mood. i liked his smile. but it's missing now.

"i am gonna put my bag in car" he said leaving me on door with olivia and kio. awkward.

"can we talk?" kio spoke up before i left rubbing back of his neck.

"uh- yeah.. sure" i said unsure. we went somewhere infront of house far enough from olivia and vinnie. but they were still in sight.

"look i am really sorry for her. she shouldn't have say that. it was really rude from her and i hate the fact that now whole social media knows about this because she made a scene out of nothing." his look went down to his hands. he was playing with rings on his fingers.

"it's not your fault. you tried to stop her before anything happened. you tried to tell her not to race. that's why i am forgiving you. but others did nothing." i talked as be raised his head to look me in eyes.

"so we're cool?" he smiled awkwardly hoping for positive answer.

"yeah we're cool" i smiled. he immediatley hugged me. oh no. olivia and vinnie are here. but i hugged him   back. in friends way.

we said bye and i went up in car. at this point vinnie was sitting in car waiting for me.

"so you and kio are good now?" he asked. not sounding jealous or mad.

"yeah. he is the one who tried to stop her before everything." i said as i watched the road infront of me.

"do you want to eat something before we go to the grocery store? it's almost 1pm and we didn't eat anything.." i asked.

"sure" he answered.

we pulled up to a first restaurant and ordered a food. we ate and had pretty good conversation and i really enjoyed in it.

the problem is going out. we could already see fletchers. but hey.. once we fight it off it will be fine.

we exited and 10 people came to us with camera. not much i know but still, it made me anxious.

"what happened with you and olivia last night?"

"is it because kio likes both of you?"

"are you and vinnie dating? seemed like date out there.."

"what happened to your car? is scrached.."

we did not want to answer on any of questions so we just passed by them and get in car.

sight of relief escaped out of our mouths at same time. we looked at each other and smiled.

we got to the grocery store, bought everything we need.. well maybe too much but it will not be wasted.

then finally around 4pm at lake house.

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