7. meeting

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Vinnie's POV

She just left the room and oh my god, the way she looked at me after hug. I felt something. I am not sure if it's love, I mean it's not for sure. But there is something more than friends. I can't love person I met before few hours. Not even a full day.

But there is something. I just need to discover it.

It's in her smile. The way she looks at me. I just need to look for it and I am sure I'll find answer.

My thoughts were interrupted by boys yelling downstairs. I laughed knowing that all yelling and fan-girling it's because of Athena.

I need to know her better.

Athena's POV

I got home and layed on bad facing the ceiling. There was something in Vinnie's look before few minutes. But what? Am I liking him? Am I falling in love?

I fell asleep with that thoughts and a phone call woke me up. It was unknown number.

"Hello?" - I said as a question. I just woke up.

"Hey Athena, it's Blake.. Are you coming over, we want you to meet someone.." - Blake said and I could feel that he is smiling on the other side of line.

"Yeah, I just woke up.. Give me few minutes and i'll be there."

"Okay see you." - He hang up.

I lay back and faced ceiling taking a deep breaths before I got up from the bed and started preparing myself. It took me longer because I was going to be on videos and I needed to get ready.

I remembered that Vinnie was supposted to tweet something and clear situation before making a video. That's when I took my phone, search him on twitter and find a tweet.

"It's not fair anymore. Guys, the girl from my live didn't do anything to deserve all of that hate. We know each other for less than a day. We met each other on race track last night. We called her to film videos and bc all other boys have girlfriends she needed to stay with me in room. Nothing happened. She didn't even sleep whole night. Barely I did too. So please stop sending any kind of hate or even worse threat towards any woman I am with. Y'all don't have to be protective over me. You are only making me scared bc I don't know if I could ever have a girlfriend or even look at the women. So please if you love me, you'll understand and you'll stop."

Wow. That was pretty good. I noticed comments.

[user221: Y'all are obsessed with vinnie, let him live life, the girl didn't deserve any hate.
[randomm1: 12-15year old girls still think they have a chance?
[ussserr11: still don't see what you see in her
[userr23: he is right, y'all need to stop and start caring abt ur own lives. girl deserved better.

I felt more comfortable about whole situation. I love that people, well some of them understood that they can't control other people lives.

With smile I got downstairs.

Blake also told me to bring pj's beacause there is a lot of to film. So I'll probably stay another night there.

"Mum, I am going to friends house and I'll sleep there." - I smiled and unlocked the door.

"What brought such happines to you now? You came before 2 hours like whole world fell and now you are happier than ever?" - My brother added from the couch.

"What can I say, life is unexceptedly wonderful. Byee" - I left the house and went to my car.

I parked in front of Sway House and knocked on door. Vinnie opened the door. I immediately hugged him making him walk back a little in house.

"Thank you for clearing situation." - I mumbeled into his chest after he hugged me back.

"I said I will, and I did." - He smiled and we let go of each other. He closed the door and I noticed bunch of girls looking at me.

"Hi." - I said kind of embarrassed.

"Hey Athena, these are our girlfriends.." - Bryce said and one by one keep going towards me.

"Hi i am Addison.."

"Nice to meet you Addison, you are Bryce's girlfriend right?" - I asked still in a hug with her.

"Yeah, how did you know?" - We let go of each other.

"Oh, saw you few times last night on tiktok. You are super cute by the way."

She smiled at my words.

Other girls Avani, Amelia and Nessa were supper nice, until I came to last one. She had wonderful blonde hair and she was really beautiful.

"Hi I-"

"Who the fuck think you are for hugging my boyfriend?!" - She kind of yelled this. I turned to Vinnie.

"Uh, Vinnie didn't told me-"

"I am not talking about him!" - She yelled again.

"Then who, I hugged all of them yesterday when we met?" -  Other girls had confused faces as why was she so jealous that I hugged her boyfriend.

"Olivia, please.. Don't bring this up now-" - Kio said putting his arms on her shoulders gently.

"Why, because you like her?" - She yelled at him now.

"I don't like him, just to know. I hugged him because we met.. I hug everyone, and no one had a problem with that." - I defended myself as Kio was looking at me.

"Well I do, and I don't want you to get near him anymore." - She yelled again and ended conversation. Kio was obviously embarrassed because of her. You could see it on his face.

After few seconds we went quiet.

"So, girls how do you feel?" - Bryce asked them while their cameras were on after incident. Thankfully, they didn't film any of this.

"About what?" - Amelia asked. Honestly I like her the most. She was really friendly and I can tell that Blake found his soulmate.

"Are you kidding? Y'all just met Athena Robbins. She is best female car racer in the entire world!" Blake yelled.

They were just making faces as they were suprised.

"It's okay they don't watch races and I am okay with that." - And I meant that. I really didn't care who knew me and who didn't.

"So what now?" - I asked "I am hungry to be hones, should we go get dinner?" - I added on my question.

They all agreed.

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