9. feelings

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Next morning I woke up. No sweating, no screaming, no nightmares. This is the first night in ages I got some good sleep. I was so happy about it.

Vinnie woke up after few minutes and we headed downstairs for breakfast.

"My friend will come from trip for few minutes, I would like you to meet him.." - Vinnie said as soon as they finished their breakfast.

"Sure I will, I am just going to pack my things because imma leave soon." - I was excited to meet his friends. I like meeting new people.. Well it depends how that person shows themself.

I packed my things and got downstairs to sit on couch waiting for his friend to come so I can go home.

And the doorbell ring. I put my phone down to see Vinnie opening the door. In front of him was standing tall guy with dark hair.

Vinnie noticed me and turned back to the guy.

"Oh, yeah.. Troy meet-"

"Athena Robbins!?" - He yelled and dropped his backpack.

"You really are Athena Robbins! I- I am sorry.. I am freaking out right now. I never thought I would meet you!" - He added and his words made me smile.

"Hi nice to meet you Troy." - I said and hugged him.

He froze. He didn't move. I smiled at him and we broke the hug.

"As much as I'd love to stay I gotta go, but if you will be here in next few days, we can talk much more." - I grabbed my backpack standing right now beside vinnie who was beside door.

"Sure I- Iwill be here, yes!" - He said and yet again I smiled at his reactions.

I left the house and headed home.

As soon as I got theere I told my parents about my night. First night that I actually got some good sleep. They were happy about it, knowing my situation and nights when I woke up from nightmares.


I was so bored that I decided to clean my room a little and organize that stuff. I am virgo. I do that a lot. I was listening to some music when my brother came in..

"Athena there is some guy asking for you downstairs.." - He stood on the doorway.

"What guy?" - I furrowed my eyebrows at his information.

"I don't know, mom and dad don't know too, but he is looking for you.." - He answered and left the room with opened door. I was standing there confused. I left my motorbike suit on the bed as I was about to put it in closet and got downstairs.

I saw my parents standing by the door talking to somebody. The voice sounded familiar.

"Oh Vinnie, it's you." - I said and pulled him into a hug.

"Yeah.." - He responded and we let go of each other.

"Mum dad, John" - I turned to my family "This is my friend Vinnie.. Vinnie meet my family."

After introducing them to each other, I called him upstairs in my room..

"Sorry for mess I was cleaning up.. So wh-"

"Just what we need." - He pointed to my motorbike suit and took it in his hands.

"And why do we need my motorbike suit, and why are you in motorbike suit.. I just noticed that.."

"Well, you know that partnership that I ruined, well my fans ruined, but I hired a photoshoot team, the best I could find.. To take some pics so you can post it and get yourself more sponsors." He said happily as his lips went into a smile.

"Oh my god- Vinnie you did not do that-" - I was so caught up in moment that when he nodded and smiled before I even finished my sentance, I ran up, jumped on him.

"Thank you so so so much! You have no idea how happy this means to me!" - I half-shouted in his neck while he was still holding me with his hands on my thights while I had my hands around his neck.

"Well I messed up, and I owe you." - I could feel his breath right next to my ear and that send me shivers down my back. That made me zone out and I let go of him. With his arms on my waist, my hands stopped down at his shoulders.

Tension. All I could feel was tension. Like the first time at stage when he signed up to that race with me. My breathing stared getting heavy and Vinnie's too. I leaned just few inches towards his face and he did the rest before he slammed his lips on mine.

And yet again I was caught up in a moment that I kissed him back. I could feel something different. Something more. He had something more, something that other boys that I kissed didn't.

We let go of each other after few seconds slowly putting out forheads together and breathing heavily.

After few seconds like that we raised our looks.

Vinnie's POV

She leaned in just a little. That was enough for me to remove the rest of space between us and meet our lips.

I didn't know what I felt but it was something I didn't feel in long time.

After few seconds we separated our lips and putted our foreheads together looking down. both of us not brave enough to look at each others eyes until we finally did.

I looked and her eyes were shining, her cheeks were red. I smiled at her reaction on what she just scoffed and again looked down.

Neither one of us talked, eyes were enough to see what we felt and our bodies showed our desires for each other.

I couldn't raise her face because I was still holding her, and I wouldn't like to let her go, in any way possible.

I just lowered my head a little. Enough to see her smile.

"Don't be shy, since when is Athena Robbins shy?" - I said with half-wishper voice what made her laugh and look up at me.

"I am sorry.. This is fast." - At her words her smile dissapeared as mine did too. I finally let her go and I already missed feeling she gave me. I never wanted to let her go. And I would never want to.

"Yeah sorry.." - I apologized even if I wasn't sorry. I liked it. I wanted more. But she didn't. Why did she kiss me back then?

"We should we go now, we are gonna be late." - I said shrugging off what just happened and switching the topic of conversation.

"Yeah, let me put my suit on.. You can look around." - She got in bathroom and closed door. I started looking around.

Athena's POV

"I am sorry.. This is fast." - I said and he let go of me.. I wasn't sorry, I wanted it more but I was scared of being played, again.

"Yeah sorry.." - He repeated. And that was more than enough for me to not try anything more.

"We should go now, we are gonna be late." He interruped my thoughts.

"Yeah, let me put my suit on.. You can look around." - I said, took my motorbike suit and got in bathroom. I sight of relief escaped my mouth as I closed the door and leaned on them holding my suit in one hand while other one was on door.

I took deep breath before I started dressing up, I was wearing something little thighter because I was going to wear motorbike suit on it.

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