34. lonely night

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we got to the hotel and it was really nice. remember when i wrote that i wanted red carpet? thats what i said to them. and they agreed, i will just need to pay more obviously.

place was beautiful. i reservated dinner and nearest room to myself that night. we planned everything and it was perfect. 'the party of the year' as i said. i keep my word..

after that i went with amelie and avani to buy dress for party. 1 hour of searching they finally found it.

it was around 4pm now and avani drove me back to my house. i had few bags of decorations and other things i just liked and decided to buy myself that have nothing in common with my party. yeah, i do that everytime.

as soon as i got in house i saw lizzie on couch laying and watching tv.

"where were you whole day?" she shouted sitting up and swalowing what she was eating.

"busy." i responded. i didn't feel like talking to her much. after all she did kiss my boyfriend and acted like nothing happened. both of them. maybe i would be less mad if they told me.

i wouldn't be mad at all if they didn't do it tho.

"for what are those bags? dude, what will you do with all those decorations?" she kept asking.

"if you really want to know. my birthday is for 5 days, and i am organizing birthday party.." i start going upstairs and she went after me. i rolled my eyes and kept it cool.

"oh yeah, your birthday, am i invited?" she asked excitedly.

i sighed. "of course, sister." i said 'sister' kind of annoyed what she obviously noticed.

"why did you say 'sister' in that way? are you mad at me for something?" she keep talking and i keep ignoring her.

"no, nothing.. i am just tired." i lied. i know what is my plan. and i am holding onto it.

"okay.." she slowly said and shrugged it of quickly.
"then when is the party?" such a gemini bitch.

"september 16th, 7pm." i turned not facing her and starting to unpack bags. i buyed myself golden heels. they're perfect.

"okay" she left room closing door. God i love my family because they actually close the door behind them.

day passed. nothing special happened. it was pretty late now. almost midnight, and since sun started going low i expected message from vinnie. nothing.

i was pissed at him, but in other hand i knew this was gonna happen.

i heard house door shutting. thats scared me. it's almost midnight?

i got up and turned light in my room on. i looked out from my window who showed front of my yard perfectly.

guess who? lizze. she started running on the right side of the road and then she disappeared behind bushes, trees and neighboors fence.

where is she going? i decided to call her. i'll say that i went to her room and saw that she is gonne. i won't tell her that i saw her running out of the house.

i picked up the phone. first try, nothing. she is not answering. second call it sended me to voice mail. i didn't left it.

i couldn't sleep but i had to do something. i know i can't sleep and i will just get nightmares.

i was sitting for long time and thinking about my life. you know, everyone has one of that moments in their life. what would be if i became a model like lizzie? or if i decided to go to the collage.

i never trusted them. my friends collage that she went to closed and never opened again since that.

my thoughts broke notification on my phone. i thought it was vinnie so i hurried up and unlocked my phone. not vinnie. but guess who?

mechanic. alex.

"hey your car is done. i finished it before an hour. when do you want to come for it?"

i read message. i am so glad that my car is done before my birthday.

"hey, i can come pick him up tomorrow, thank you" i replied and he liked message.

"okay, see you at 12pm" was his last message before i liked it and left chat.

night goes with nothing special, i actually made a cookies because i was too bored. lizzie was knowhere to see. she didn't call me back or anything that would help me not to worry.

knowing my sister, she is not in danger. she always has something to defend herself.

it was 10pm, thank God. i started getting ready. i will going for a walk to there because vinnie was obviously busy.
he didn't even texted me last night when he said he will, and no one was here to drive me.

i was in room when i hear door shut downstairs. i went down and saw lizzie. in her worse edition. i thought i would never see her like that.

with really and i mean really messy hair, her chlotes were kind of ripped and she just satted on couch and sighed.

"what happened to you?" i asked going to stand infornt of her.



i just wanted to thank y'all for 2.7k readers!!! it means a lotttt to mee

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