28. social media

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when i got downstairs i saw my sister sitting on both of and vinnie and and kio. she was obviously drunk. they were trying to get her off by trying to get up and set her on couch but she wouldn't stand.

"lizzie, you are drunk, again?" i asked. kio and vinnie turned to me. they were standing and she was sitting on floor smiling up at them lke psycho.

"so? not your problem.." she started pulling herself up by grabbing their pants and trying to get up. when they felt that they immediately took her by hand and got her up.

"can you please get her to guest room?" vinnie and kio nodded at my response. we all went up and they putted her on bed. kio let go of her and vinnie tried to but she pulled him down on her.

he stopped falling on her by putting his arms besides her and holding himsef up. "woah, chill" vinnie said to her. she was smiling and giggling.

"okay" i sighed and got to them. i took her hands who were on his shirt and tried to pull them of him. "you have to let go, c'mon" she finally did and vinnie stand up.

"you guys go down i am gonna dress her up for sleep." vinnie and kio left and closed door.

"you need to stop drinking.. you know you have bad headaches after" i said as i pulled ber dress over her head and took it off.

i then went to her closet where she putted her chlotes from bag to find something comfortable.

"who cares what happens tomorrow.. tomorrow is never promised.. live lifeeeee" she was so drunk, but right. tomorrow is never promised. you gotta live your like it's your last day on earth. you have to appriciate everything you have now because you don't know when are you gonna lose it.

"why are you so smart when your drunk?" i asked as i pulled shirt over her head. i didn't brought anything else. shirt was long enogh.

"i don't know ask alcohol" she let herself fall on bed as soon as i took my arms of her. i covered her with blanket because it was already early september. it's getting cold.

i left her room i putted glass of water and pills so she can yake them when she wakes up.

i went downstairs to see vinnie and kio filming tiktok together. i filled empty space in screen. they turned around when they heard me then stopped filming.

"sorry about her.. she always drinks when she is here because she is too busy with her job in new york" i explained and they responded with nod. i could tell they were uncomfortable with what happened earlier.

after they posted titkok and we just chilled.

and guess what ruined mood. notifications on my phone. laila sended video to the tiktokroom. how i know? angle from where video was filmed was in the place she was sitting.

i sighed and prepared myself fro everything that i am about to read.

{video of olivia spilling drink on athena}

tiktokroom: guess they have something since they got in fight on race before few nights👀

11.271 comment

user1: leave them alone. if they have fight that is between them.

user2: damn athena stayed calm.. i know i wouldn't
user3: me too.. i would break her neck..

user4: what started this fight bro? what did athena do to make olivia this pissed??

user5: damn.. if that was me tomorrow would be olivia's funereal for sureee
user6: do not say that. maybe athena did something bad to her..
user6: so? what if i am?
user7: nothing i thought you were stalking athena's account to expose her for summ..

user8: y'all stop. everyone is defending athena, but if athena spilled drink on olivia y'all will be still blaming olivia.. this is unreal..
user9: pls stop, none of us knows what happened. neaither you do.
user10: ofc i am defending athena. olivia needed to cause a scene infornt of everyone and spill drink on her.
user11: exactly if she was person who deals with her probelms private she wouldn't be olivia.

oliviaponton: and i'll do it again.
user12: what happened between you two??
user13: gurl.. did she killed someone so you are this pissed.
user14: i heard that people are saying she caught athena and kio kissing thats why she is mad.
user15: wtf isn't athena with vinnie?
user16: i swear if she hurt him-
user17: you will what? it's his life, let him deal with it.
user18: damnnn athena is cheating now and is a homewrecker.. and i thought we had normal person on social media..
user19: but, vinnie and athena are still together? they seemed happy in video on a date until olivia came.

wow.. now i am acused of cheating.. what's next? i killed someone? enough of social media for today.. people really do believe what they see and not hear story behind it?

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