37. toxic is how you are?

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"heyy, happy birthdayyy" lizzie excitedly said opening her arms to hug me.

i let go of kio and hugged her with fake smile. when we let go she looked at me with smile.

"i bought you present is at home, i'll give it to you when you come home."

"you didn't have to, but thank you." i thanked and she left. i lost her in crowd of other people who were dancing. then i turned back to kio with big sigh.

"let's continue" again, i putted my arms around his neck slowly and we started dancing again. not gonna lie, kio was cute. i liked his smile or the way he tilst his head in confusion. it was cute.

i started smiling until i felt my left hand getting grabbed from kio's neck. we both turned our heads to face one and only, vinnie hacker. he looked so furious. i didn't know either am i happy or annoyed that i have to deal with him now.

"i am sorry, kio" vinnie faked his smiled at him and took me near bathroom in hallway where you couldn't hear music that much.

"what the hell are you doing?" he shouted looking straight to my face. and he still didn't let my hand. so i pulled it out of his grasps angrily.

"look who's being jealous now" i won't let him take me down. na-ah bestie i am not leaving this hallway without clearing this situation.

"of fucking course i'll be mad, you are grinding and dancing on my best friend!" he continued yelling. i don't like yelling at all.

"and you fucking cheated!" but i still yelled back. i can play his game. the question is, can he keep up with me. i am hard person to deal with.

he relaxed back and let out sigh.
"so you know about emily..." he lowered his voice. that's how it should be. don't raise your voic- wait...

"of course i kn- emily?" i stopped and looked him in confusion.

"yeah, emily.. why the fuck are you acting all suprised when you know" he started getting his adittude back like this really doesn't matter to him.

"who the fuck is emily? tiktok room posted photo of you and my sister whos name is elizabeth by the way, kissing!" i continued yelling. now he is making me really mad.

"oh" was all his cheating dirty mouth said. my jaw already dropped from his words and reaction.

"'oh' was all you are gonna say? who the hell you think you are?" i stepped closer to his face. his head was down so i couldn't tell how his face looked at the moment. he wasn't saying anything.

"you literally cheated with 2 girls in 2 fucking months? are you serious now? i gave you all my trust, and you had my loyalty and this is how our 'relationship' if i can call it like that, turned out?" i wanted to give him lesson. even if i know it won't affect him at all i wanted to let out what was on my chest.

"do you know how this hurts? i might don't know how to show it but it really does vinnie." i said 'vinnie' louder to let him know that he is the real reason why our relationship will end.

"go tell someone who cares about your feelings" my jaw dropped at his words. he started leaving fixing his suit.

"you are not going to walk out of this, this easily." i walked to him and turned him around strongly. his face showed a lot of anger. his arm i took him by created fist and he took deep breath.

i wasn't scared. i know how to fight back.

"come on, raise your hand on me." i teased. i know he's not gonna hit me, he's not that kind of guy. but he is really pissed at the moment.

"don't tease me, athena" the way he said 'athena' made me angry for some reason.

"don't you dare take my name in your dirty mouth ever again, you son of a bitch" i quietly said closing up to his face.

"well, i am sure paparrazzi will ask a lot about you, so i am not promising anything" he smriked and tilted his head.

"so toxic is how you are?" i raised eyebrow not breaking eye contact between us.

"awwh" he said and made that face.

"don't be mad they are better than you." he turned dead serious at this sentence, and pulled his arm out of mine really harshly walking fast out of hallway.

i scoffed. he really didn't care. he didn't put one sevond in our relationship?

i sighed, blinked few times because i felt my eyes become teary, fixed my dress then walked out of that  damn hallway. after all it's my birthday party.

i walked up to amelie and avani who were leaning on tall and little table where champange was. i took one glass.

"uuuuu girls, me and him never existed" i took sip of the champange and smiled.

"you talked to him already?" amelie said excitedly turning herself to me.

"more like argue, but yeah" i answered.

i told them everything that happened.

"so what are you gonna do now?" avani asked taking sip of her drink.

"imma find new boyfriend.. not to make him jealous, he doesn't exist to me anymore, but to make myself happy. you know what i mean" i answered. and it was like that.

"well who's making you happy in last time?" avani continued asking and hers and amelie's look went across the room.

"well, there is one person" i didn't even had to look up. i was smiling and looking down at the glass.

i felt their gazes on me.

"well, who is the lucky one?" amelie shook her head at question as they leaned on table more.



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