19. chillin

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"nice house" vinnie said and got out of the car closing the front door.

"yeah i've always liked it. when i was younger i used to spend a lot time here with my brother." i talked and opened trunk so we can get our bags.

we walked in house after i unlocked it. my parents seem to clean it this morning before they left.

"we can use my parents room with one bed." i said teasing him. he looked me with a 'look'. i smiled and went upstairs where bedrooms were.

we putted our bags down.

"do you want to shower?" he came from behind me putting his arms around my torso after he burried his face in my neck.

"sure" i smiled. "but first you then me"

after shower we got dressed and went downstairs.

"so what now?" he asked sitting on couch. i questioned myself that too.

"we can watch something and before dark we can prepare everything for barbecue" i offered an solution. and he seemed to like it.

"sure yeah" he cofirmed. we bought everything we need for barbecue in grocery store before.

two hours passed and it was around 7pm. we decided that it's good time to start to not be in rush. in the backyard we had little spot to sit and it had barbecue near.

also we had a hot tub. walls were high around garden so no one would see and you can have some privacy. but people don't come often here. only the ones who have houses around. nearest house to ours was 15 minutes walking from here.

"did you pack shorts for swiming for tonight?" i asked as he was preparing barbecue.

"yeah but i though we are going on lake tomorrow?" he confused.

i turned on light in hot tub with remote for it.

"that's so cool, you have hot tub and this house?" he sounded amazed. i laughed scrunching my nose.

"it seems like you didn't notice but we also have pool in our house in town. and apartment in new york where my sister spends time." i added.

"are your parents in mafia? they afford all of this? that's amazing!" he laughed at his own words and me too.

"no they are not. my mom works as ceo in one computer company and my dad is engineer. that's all. they have been collecting money for years and we bought everything we owe now." i smiled. my parents really worked their ass on everything and still stayed normal.

they did not go crazy from all work. they have been loyal to each other since i know for myself. and i like that. in future i want what my parents have all those years.

"do you think maybe one day we could afford something more?" he asked looking away from barbecue to me with a smirk.

"we have been together only one day and you alredy imagine our future together?" i asked with smile. it was cute that he thinks for us on that way. but it was too fast for me.

"why wouldn't i? i think we're perfect together because this. this what we have now. hits different from everything i had before. it's the way i feel and act around you. i don't have to pretend because first time we met and further i showed you my real self. and now you seem to like it. and i like the way you act around. all crazy funny and suicidal with that types of rides" we both smiled and i lowered my head down.

he raised my head "and i love you" i froze. my smile dissapeared. i was caught off guard at that point.

"are you okay?" vinnie said breaking my thoughts.

"yeah sorry. you caught me off guard. but before anything i want you to know that is really hard for me to say 'i love you' it's not because of rough relationships i had it's because i got serious trust issues with friends or anything more is-"

"i understand.." he cutted me off and i gave him my full attention because he looked like he was about to say something more "i get you really.. i'll give time.. as much as you need.. but i just wanted to tell you how i really feel."

i hugged him thight. he was understandable. i've always wanted person like that. he hugged me back. i felt shivers on my arms of his touch.

"what is that smell?" i mumbeled in his chest.

"oh God" he let go of me and went back to barbecue. we both laughed.

when we finished eating i remembered something.

"hey i think my parents have some wine in kitchen? you want some?" i asked getting up.

"yeah sure" he responded.

"and also, go put your swim shorts on.. i am going to get my swim suit and i'll turn hot tub on. then we'll enjoy the night with wine and hot tub." i get closer to him across the table enough to me to feel his breath.

"i like the idea" he smirked. to tease him when he leaned in kiss i backed away and smiled wickedly looking at him over shoulder while going in house.

he bite his lip and shook his head.

i put on my swim suit and when i got out of the bathroom i notice vinnie's shorts he had on bed. so that means he already changed. i went down and took wine and two glasses. i was wraped with towel around so i wasn't cold.

i went out and he was shirtless in his shorts. and already in hot tub filming tiktok.
it was already pretty dark, around 10pm so lights were perfect on hot tub.

(if you follow him on tiktok you know that hot tub video)

caption chillin


brycehall chillin? where?
blakegray bro i want te be there with youuu
kiocyrrr have fun guysss, next time i am coming with you ;)
[user guys? he is there with someone?
user the place doesn't look familiar to me
tiktokroom 👀 brought some girl?
[user not you guyss againn
[user what if he did?
user are you with a girl there?
[user what if he is?

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