38. what is wrong with that guy?

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"who is lucky guy?" amelie asked. i pointed with finger.

"kio?" avani turned back to me. "doesn't his ex already hates you?"

"well ex is ex.. she has nothing to do with him right now.." i took another sip looking at kio while he was talking to some guys, their backs were facing me.

after few seconds of silnece i spoke up leaving glass.
"i am going, wish me luck.."

"good luck" they both said in same time and i walked to kio. as i got to him i putted my hand on his shoulder seductively.

"wanna go on one more dance?" i smiled at him. he tried to say something at first but nothing came out of his mouth, then on second try..

"i mean, yeah, let's go.." he smiled back. he looked at the guys he was talking to. "see you later guys" was what he said before i turned to look who they are.

anthony, blake and... vinnie. he was still here? i thought he left. i smirked at him and took kio by arm and we went in crowd with other people who were dancing.

same thing repeated, almost same moves with deep eye conntacts from time to time.

"heard you and vinnie broke up" he spoke up when we chilled a little with moves. ugh, did he really had to bring my ex? is he that kind of guy?

"yeah" i said bored a little. i really didn't want to talk to him right now.

"am i the reason?" he continued. i swear if he continues talking about him i am gonna leave.

"no, not at all.." i didn't want to tell him about lizzie him and that bitch called emily because i didn't want to continue conversation about him.

"i am gonna go get drink" i turned and smiled at him then i left. i walked over to avani and amelie who were on same spot before i left.

"so? how are things going with mr. lucky?" avani excitedly said taking a sip of champange. i am suprised, she doesn't look drunk at all.

"he is bringing back vinnie and asking about him and i" i held my head with one hand and with other i took glass.

they make that "eww" look and stayed quiet.

"you sure you want to try with him?" amelie aksed not changing her face.

"i am not sure... i think i won't try to find boyfriend at the time, i really can't deal with thay shit right now.. my head is already full of dumb things i don't need anyone in it any time soon." i answered.

i changed my mind. i don't want boyfriend at the time. i think it is big responsibility. i got other things to focus on, like myself.

after few minutes of converastion blake and anthony came and stole avani and amelie from me. beautiful, alone on my own birthday.

that was what i thought until i felt someone walking behind me then appearing in front of me. it was my brother, josh. wow, i really didn't see him whole night.

"i see, you're having fun" he teased. i looked at him with annoyed look.

"shut up" i said before taking another sip.

"are you trying to get drunk for some reason?" he asked squeezing his eyes, he knows i drink either i am feeling really amazing or really awful. and by my face, you really can tell i am not feeling amazing.

"something like that.. but hey, what will you get me for birthday?" i asked curiously.

"i don't know.." he smiled awkwardly.

"this is the first time you don't know in long time." i took another sip and raised one eyebrow.

"i'll figure out eventually, don't worry... it will be worth for a life" i smiled at his words. that was actually really sweet.

after few more minutes he left too and again i was left alone. God sometimes i really hate being alone.

- time skip -

it's been 3 hours since i and josh spoken. since that all i did was dance and drink. nothing special.
from time to time i would catch vinnie starring at me. what is wrong with that guy?

he says things like 'don't be mad they are better than you' and now he is starring at me across the room like he wants to fuck living hell out of me.

people started leaving. just few of them left. and i felt so tired. i know it's my birthday but i'll let people have fun. i have reservated room anyway.

i started going upstairs to the rooms but all i did was hold myself onto the wall. i couldn't move.

i felt someones arms around mine arms and the person picked me up bridal stile.
i looked at guy confusedly. my sight was blury but what i noticed he had black suit and little dark hair.

"thanks josh" i said because i remember josh being in that outfit but he said nothing.

- morning -

i woke up. my heels weren't on my legs, that was what i first noticed. then something much weirder. arms on my waist i looked at persons, guy's obviously, arm.. i kind feel like i know those arms.

i tried to gef myself out of guy's grasps. i wiggle around a little. i started moving a little harder.

i hear person groan in my ear.

"do that one more time and see what happens"

i know that voice... vinnie.

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