3. who won?

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I stepped on gas pedal and sudden speed made me lean back in seat. I was calmed, and never nervous.

I was holding steering wheel gently.

I looked at the right and saw Vinnie's car. I was a little in front of him. I smirked at his serious face. It looked like he was loaded with something.

I turned my look back at the road and speeded up, leaving him behind. I looked at my review mirror to see that if i speed up a little more he won't see the road. What last time caused a crash into a tree.

At that point I got a little pissed because I couldn't speed up and finish this already. Then I decided to go the other way. What was the longer way.

I put both of my hands on the steering wheel and turned car to the right.

Vinnie's POV

She left me behind and I started to worry, I barely could see the road. Calm down Vinnie, panicking won't help. Just focus.

Suddenly I saw her car turn to the right. I didn't know where she was going but it wasn't normal path. Is she going to let me win? Did she find a shorter way?

All that questions were in my head. I ignored and stayed on the path.

Athena's POV

I saw his car passed by the way I was going. Then I speed up. I loved that feeling, I loved speed. I don't know why but it just clears my head from all problems.

It's probably because I focus on the road and forget everything else on that few minutes.


"What is she doing?" - Bryce asked looking at the monitor where cameras showed all race.

The car just got off the road and they saw Vinnie's car passing by one of cameras as camera switch to another one.

"She is going on longer path." - Blake said quietly.

"That means Vinnie is gonna win!" - Anthony yelled and started jumping.

They started celebrating and jumping as people were looking at them with confusion.

Athena's POV

It was pretty dark through this way, but I saw the lights of the real track race and get calmed.

I also saw car passing by. He is winning. There is no much left of the race. Only few seconds.

I speed up again, not daring to move my foot from pedal. I got by his car. I looked him through window and smiled.

Then I could see the finish line. I speeded up a little and finished a little infront of him.

I step on the break and turned car around.

Everyone got up to my car and started cheering. I walked past them and got to Vinnie's car.

"I was going on the longer way and you still didn't win." - I said and leaned back to his car.

"Whatever." - He rolled his eyes and smirked a little.

"I see that smirk, wait you are not mad?" - I asked curiously.

"Why would I be mad, I drive and race for fun you are professional one here. I wanted to have a good story to tell my kids one day." - He said locking his car.

"And how would story go?"

"That I was on race track with Athena Robbins and that I won." - He raised head and looked me in the eyes after saying these words proudly.

"Funny." - I said making both of us laugh.

His friends came up to him.

"Hey Vinnie, sorry bro." - Blake said as he placed his arms on Vinnie's back.

"Don't be, at least I met Athena and I was on race track with her. I am cool one in group now." -  Vinnie praised himself.

"Yeah, when we are talking about you." - Bryce turned to me. "We were wondering if you would like to film a video for our chanels. We all have different ideas." - Bryce asked.

"Sure, why not. But I would recommend to start filming right now or what is the easiest and shortest to film because I have photoshoot tomorrow and I don't know when else would i have time." - I explained to them.

"Actually almost all our videos we have planned are at sway house, so if you don't mind we can go there, film some of them and you can sleep at our house." - Blake said insecure that i won't except.

"Okay, i just have to go to my house for cloth-"

"You can borrow ours clothes." Vinnie interrupted me.

"Yeah, whatever let's go." -  I started walking towards my car when I saw them all still standing at the same spot. "And what are y'all waiting for?"

"Can we go with your car, we came here with Vinnie, but if you don't mind mine life wish is to get a ride in  Athena Robbins' car." - Anthony said shyly.

I chuckeled. "Alright get in."

They all  get their cameras as they start filming car inside and out. I walked to Vinnie.

"Sorry softie, looks like they like me more."

He smirked and rolled his eyes. "You know you'll have to give me that ride one time."

"Sure.. No problem" - I said and walked to my car. I was in my shorts and big oversized shirt with my hair down. I walked and opened door and Blake was sitting in the drivers seat.

"Get up!" - I said and playfully punched him in the arm. He then got behind.

I started car and pressed gas pedal still in same spot. They all went "ooo" as car roared. They looked at each other with cameras and I started driving.

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