14. family member

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"get in  cart" vinnie said making me turn my attention to him.

"why?" i asked taking one of carts.

he took it from my hand "get in, we are gonna have some fun tonight." i got in cart and we bought a lot of snacks and drinks including face masks and ingredients for brownies.

we were arguing about what to make, classic cookies or brownies.

when we finished and payed we put everything in my car and then he followed me to my house.

"we're here" i said and got out of the car.

he helped me to get things in house and put them on kitchen counters.

"actually i need to go home.." he said putting last bag on the counter.

"why?" i asked wondering.

"i have no chlotes and these pants aren't that comfortable.." he pointed to pants he had.

"i can give you some of my brothers chlotes.." i offered. i am sure my brother won't like it but i'll wash it tomorrow before they come.

"you have brother?" he slightly smiled to his question.

"yeah, josh is 23. he left along with my parents to our lake house tonight. they'll be back tomorrow 'till 6pm" we walked upstairs to josh's room.

vinnie picked some sweatpants and shirt from closet.

"can i go to the bathroom?" he asked.

"yeah, you can use mine.. you know where my room is" we left josh's room and i got downstairs.

i was planning on changing too, but i'll do it when he comes down.

until that i unpacked some things and prepared ingredients for brownies and got us drinks.

i turned on tv in living room and went on spotify to listen to some music.

i noticed he wasn't down yet and it passed 10 minutes or so. i went upstairs to check on him. i entered in room and saw him looking at photos on my  drawer.

"what are you doing?" i asked walking up to him.

"i-i just saw these photos and couldn't help but look at them.. i hope that's okay.." he sounded worried. he thought that i was gonna attack him for looking at photos. but they are just photos of me and my family.

"no it's fine.." i took the photo he was looking at.

"who is this girl next to you?" he asks pointing at girl on our family photo.

"my sister..." i looked at photo one more time. that remind me of moments we had before she left. we were 12 at photo and that bring the memory i didn't want ro remember.. just 3 nights after this photo happened something i will never forget.

vinnie asked some question. i was so zoned out that i didn't even heard what question is. i was just thinking of that night and how could everything end at that time.

i wouldn't met any of my friends now. i wouldn't go to high school or even discover my passion what is racing.

i feel my eyes starting to water so i sook my head so tears can't come out.

"athena?" i heard vinnie calling me.

"yeah you asked something?" i turned to him and sniffed a little leaving photo.

"you okay?" he asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"yeah yeah, i am fine i just zoned out a little"

"i asked where is she now?" he repeated question i didn't hear before few moments.

"oh uh.. elizabeth is currently in new york. she has modeling career and she was here last month.. she is supposted to come here next week actually.." i answered now a little more cheerfuly

"that's good for her.. i mean, modeling career and new york.." he said kind of amazed. not gonna lie i was amazed with her too. one time we were invented to see her on runway.

the walk she had and look. everything looked like from a movie. she looked like movie princess. my parents wanted me to be like her. a model. i am pretty i know that. but that kind of this wasn't working with me. everything is fancy and i am not that.

since she started modeling at her 10 she wasn't at home that much. only school and photoshoots. she was model for kids clothing back in the time.

i was spending a lot more time with my brother and he was playing with cars or playing cars games. i was always around him. that's the time i discovered my interest and love towards road and everything fast on her.

i am not fully like her but i am model now. i have sponsors from some car companys. when my parents saw that they can't do nothing about my will they trusted me.

i am grateful for their support and my brother who actually started this love. and i always will be.

"yeah, she is girly one.. you know dresses and heels. i am not.. i am more stay in, with sweatpants and hoodie on with ice cream and movies." i said going to my closet to pick up some comfy outfit for tonight.

"i mean i don't complain.. i like you that way" he said and stayed in same spot but with smirk on.

i smiled and picked up swatpants and shirt from closet.

"you can go down i prepared everything i just need to change and i'll be down" he nodded at my words and left room closing door.

he likes me this way? is it that he like like me this way or just like me this way? you know? like my style and the way i live and handle things or like like me more than friends? i guess i'll have to find out tonight..

i said to myself and changed then tied my hair in ponytail. i don't like my hair down when i do anything. so it's mostly tied up.

i went down to see him already putting flour in bowl and moving his hips to song.

i smiled and he heard me walking behind him so he turned around and smiled.

"you got some moves there i see" i went up to him and rolled up my sleeves to add sugar and eggs.

"what, you jealous?" he tried to sound serious what made me laugh a little.

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