Chapter 56

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A/N: I know... I disappeared again and I apologize 💀 My life is having ups and downs and I kept getting distracted, but I finally managed to finish up this chapter.

But I just wanted to pop in and thank you guys for reading my story!! As most of you know, this book is actually quite close to the end now... and I'm going to miss it 😭

I remember how after I wrote the whole story out, I was actually doubtful about publishing it, but I'm really glad I did!

So many amazing Tanner fanfictions have been made, I wish our crazy boy knew how loved he was.

But I'm sincerely grateful that I stuck with the story, and I can't wait for the long awaited finale!

I promised you guys I wouldn't leave this book unfinished, and I'm gonna keep that promise!


Pain shot through my lower stomach as the muscular man in the black suit connected his fist with me. I cried out, blood spewing from my mouth. As I fell to the cold ground of the warehouse, coughing, the woman that ordered the man to hit me chuckled.

Through my clouded vision, I saw her step over me, a wicked grin plastered on the mask she wore to shield her own identity. "Ah, you people are so weak. So fragile..." I felt another shot of pain as she kicked my side with a surprising amount of force.

The impact caused me to roll twice. My head was spinning at this point, and I flinched as the man joined her side, hands behind his back and face firm.

After a few moments of groaning, I lifted my head up to glare at them, teeth baring. "You little bitch... my son is not going to kill anyone. Don't even think that your plan is going to work."

The girl erupted into hysterical laughter, and my eyes widened as she bent over, holding her stomach as if I said the best joke in the world. After she regained composure, she straightened, approached my side, and then knelt down.

I watched her masked face cautiously, and then she grabbed my chin, lifting my head so that I was just inches away from her. I almost gasped, feeling her icy fingers tightening around my flushed skin. I was weak, and I knew that I wasn't going to make it out of here to see my boy again.

The mysterious woman spoke, her voice just a whisper, and my head throbbed. "Oh, sweetie..." She giggled again, sending chills down my back. "I know your son's not going to kill that girl... it's just all part of my plan."

My heart sank deep into the pit of my stomach, and I gulped. "W-what the fuck? Then why are you doing this?!"

The woman released her grip on me and stood up, still staring daggers into my soul. Her voice was laced with exhilaration, as if she was about to accomplish something big in her life. "I'm doing this because I want to play."

Slowly, she lifted a hand to the edge of her demonic looking mask, and pulled it off in one swift motion. My vision was cloudy, but I could still make out her gray eyes, dark curly hair, and then that twisted smile that matched her mask.

Strange... how can a person be so beautiful when they love ruining someone else's life?

The woman bowed her head, looking somewhat fulfilled. "I've been training my whole life to see if it was possible..." She paused, as if trying to find the right words to say. "...If a mastermind could change the mindset of an adult."

There was another wicked smile, and my stomach churned as I watched her pull out that katana from the holster of her jeans. She met my eyes once more, mocking a sympathetic look.

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